Friday night – Dumbo

Greetings from the Boat !.. Diane and I drove down here after a morning of work.. the drive down was fun and productive, now that I have good internet in the car…  We got down her around 6:30.. Max and the ship mates all came down to help unload all the food from the car. Max graduates on Monday.. so we know there will be many mouths to feed around the boat this weekend..

first stop tonight was to see Max’s girlfriend Jack at a gallery where she works.. ‘The place is called ‘the mighty tanaka” after a famous little league baseball player!   There we met Joules and Jim. Jack’s parents.. they are so great !


here’s the gallery owner, Alex..  agreat guy.. and a watcher of the Colony !


I really liked the paitingsthat were here for the opening..   a good mix of styles…

at a beak in the action, Jim. Jouls. Diane and I wandered down to DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge) park.. to ogle  NYC skyline.. Very nice !

then a very nice dinner with max, jack, acks folks and us.. a really nice evening.. then back to the boat..

Tomorrow we help on the boat.. maybe get the toilets working again.. ,,

right now, skeep


night all, night sam




Thursday night – Antidilluvian

Antidilluvian…  it means ‘after the flood’.. and that’s where we are today..

It was a long, long day.. many frustrations. One  bright spot was a late afternoon meeting at the Echo center. That was a chance to see the lake at record high levels.. I’d heard about the trouble it’s been causing.. but it’s another thing entirely to see it..


You can tell where the water has receeeded by the massive piles of driftwood.. It’s everywhere !

The ferry docs are submerged.. so much that the ferries can’t run..

The ECHO parking lot was more like a pool !

Call me an anarchist.. but I love it when the weather takes over.. It’s a nice reminder that we’re not the most powerful thing on earth..


OK.. gotta go sleep off this day…

night all, night Sam




Wednesday night – a certain age

Just back from more live music !.. About 11AM. my friend Gary called to tell me he had an extra ticket to see David Crosby and Graham Nash tonight at the Flynn..   why not !?!? .. Live music is my best therapy..


I came downtown after seeing about half of Gabe’s LAX game.. and got there just a few minutes after my friends saw avid Crosby sitting on Church street playing guitar..


The theater was packed with people.. many of who I knew and nearly all.. ‘of a certain age’   It was nice to be in a crowd where I had about the average amount and color of hair..

The concert was really good.. These guys have been playing together for 40 year !!!.. they still obviously loved doing it.. and still sounded fantastic.

I have to admit, I’ve never been  much of a fan of their music .. ..  Most Of the  CSNY stuff I like  is usually Steve Stills or Neal Young.. the darker stuff I guess. but I really appreciate their musicianship.. especially their harmonies.. and all of that was really great .  I also really admire Crosby for his advocacy for organ donation (thanks !) . He is a liver transplant recipient..  and often talks about that and organ donations in interviews. .. I gave one of the roadies a samstone to give to him.. hope he gets it.

They did awesome versions of ‘wooden ships’, ‘almost cut my hair’ , ‘song before I go’.. they also did their poppy signature songs.. like ‘our house’.. ‘Guinevere’, ‘teach your children’.. which brought great memories and had the crowds standing

Last time I heard these guys was about 30 years ago.. I felt I could reach back in time and see myself at that earlier show.. If I could have really done that.. what would I have said ?

Maybe something like “teach your children well”

nite all, nite sam


Tuesday afternoon – sound track..

Sound track of my day:

7 AM .. Grateful dead.. still buzzing from last nights concert

8AM Phillip glass, mindless repetitive minimilist as I shuffle through meetings

9AM Wager.. Die Valkerie.. because my freind Bob mentioned it.. and it felt like ‘Apocolypse Now’ at work

11AM Soem big beethoven orchesteral work.. all the moving parts of a huge company

1 PM Country western.. insert your favorite song about your job… here

4pM Exodus  – 4PM meetign in local bar !

7PM last meetign of day.. chopin.. feelign peaceful.. bloging form my car in the parking lot


nite all, nite sam
