Thursday night – sink-o de mayo

Hola freinds.. I’m writing on about 4 hours of sleep and struggling to stay awake. We left the boat this morning around 6:30 and drove through the day back to VT> thanks to my rooted droid I now have a good internet link.. so I was able to work the whole way down and back as diane drove..  On top of a wonderful visit to see max, It was a productive set of days..

Even so.. the trip has me worn out.. I used to be able to run on little sleep.. now I get kind of sad when I’m sleep deprived.  During a lull between meetings  today I found myself thinking about the changing moods of the world.. I was thinking of writing down all the bad stuff that happened near us in April (Dylan’s passing most of all).. but then stopped … . A bit later I as thinking of a rash of good things I’d noticed goign on in the world.. nothing major.. just encouraging signs.. I was tempted to think of this as a positive and much needed sea change.. a turn of luck.. but then checked myself.. Why ? Was I afraid of tempting fate ? …  Not that, not really.. Instead, I came to the conclusion that  there’s always good and bad happening around us.. sometimes one dominates our attention.. sometimes another.. but they exist in more or less equal amounts..   good comes to bad, bad comes to good.

Just then I heard the weather report for tomorrow..   showers to the south of route 2, cloudy to the north of route 2.. .. a perfect metaphor I thought as I headed straight down route 2 towards home..

nite all, nite sam


Wednesday late nite – may the fourth be with you

Happy may the forth… may the forth be with you.. actually.. buy now it must be cinco de mayo.. .. so happy that too.

Very cool day.. Diane and I left home about 7 am headed for NYC.. I spent the entire day.. and the entire druve working and tlakign on the phone thanks to my tooted droid phone and it’s internet tether app…Diane drove.. so I worked the entire day and was pretty productive.

We got to Max’s boat around 3.. but he wasn’t getting home until 5.. Iso we parked and I just worked in the car.

Max got home just before five… we unloaded the car then made dinner for the 9 folks we could round up from the boat.    Diane had made thai curry. and Nan bread  both of which were very good.. It was great meeting soem of the new oat crew members.. the most recent , Tom, just arrived from England only this morning..

I couldn’t help noticing that the spritz of hot sauce I made on my curry looked like Josef Stalin.. a good omen ?

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Just before 7 we all crammed in the car and drove to downtown B’klyn to see Max’s senior show. It was in a high end opera hall turend movie theatre

The movies were tuly excellent.. there were 9 of them.. 2 of which were from Max… The first of max’s wsa a wonderful tribute to Sam.. I can’t really describe it here.. it was beutiful, powerful and sublte.. I can’t wait to see it again.. it was so moving..

His second piece was a tribute to living on the boat.. also beautiful and subtle..and compelling.  t was really a wonderful experience being there to watch the show.. I was SO proud of max !!!!! i

here we are after the show.. here’s max’s girlfriend jack.. she’s so  great.. .. us.. then Ben and Maryanne.

Then we headed off with Max’s friends to celebrate at a local German bar..

Freind Pat from Vermont and his friend Alex were in NYC. so they came too !..

And then came a surproise visit form Uncle Billy.. he’s in town for a medical conference.. he was able to leave the conference and join us fro ssome family bonding.. and fun

Here he is working hthe cards.. he’s a fabulous magician..

It was such a great surprise to get to see Billy..

We got home around midnight..  and watched gabes telecocina project.. also very cool’s 2am and I need to sleep.. More tomorrow.. I’m so proud of max !

nite all, nite Sam


Tuesday night – Eric !

Just got back from visiting Eric in the hospital.. with Diane, Gabe. Hannah, and Devon.  After all he’s been through … the wreck and two surgery’s, he looked really great.. He was  a little groggy.. but he sure was happy to see all of us. He’s able to talk , eat.. and even sit up a little . He’s such a sweet and lovable kid.. I left knowing that he’s goign to be alright..

oops battery is running out..   gotta run

nite all, nite sam,


Monday night – reaction

Diane woke me this morning with the news of Osama Bin Ladin’s death. I lay there for a few minutes trying to take that in.. how did I  feel ? Good ? Bad.. Relieved ? Fearfull ? .. I guess a little of all of those things..

It was not until I went downstairs and started reading about other peoples reactions that my reaction began to change.. When I saw that people were celebrating Bin Ladin’s death I was deeply saddened.. not because I had compassion for him. but because no-one should celebrate another’s death. No matter how evil. Justice is important.. and Bin Ladin certainly deserved justice. He destroyed many peoples lives in support of his own ideology.  I know that he was a dangerous man who used violence to promote his cause..The world is no doubt better off with out him.., .. But justice is one thing..and vengeance is another. Vengeance s a dangerous and poisonous emotion…Believe me I understand the anger behind a senseless death.. but this is not a time for celebrating.. it’s a time for closure.. for thinking.. and for coming together  to work for peace and justice….

I know many reading this will not agree with me..  and I don’t mean to condemn anyone for how they feel.. I just need to let folks know how I feel.

nite all.. lets work for peace, nite sam
