Today was wet and overcast outside.. so it was a good day for spring cleaning.. at least for Diane. She bravely decided to attack my closet, the top three shelves of which have become a collection point for years of untouched photos, papers, and other stuff. Like any pile of old stuff around the house, this one is full of memories.. I have to admit, I still find doing this very hard.. but Diane is much stronger about such things..

Some of the stuff was Sam’s.. in fact, most of it was.. it was great .. and hard.. to see again..

Some was just piles of school papers .. what do do with them ? Are they precious.. or are they trash..?I guess we can’t keep this all. Diane went through and picked out some good writing and art pieces.. the rest .. I don’t know.. maybe we’ll burn ? or recycle.. I went through and looked at them for a long time last night.. I didn’t know what I felt.. In the end, it’s just lab reports and Spanish worksheets.. Sam’s not there.. it’s OK to recycle them now.. i guess

One cool find: Diane just found a $10 bill stuck in a birth congratulations letter abut Gabe’s birth..
Diane continued to plow through the stuff while I did our taxes.. Mid day we both had to get outside.. we strapped on our snowshoes and went out in the mucky melting snow.. it felt good to be outside.

Spring is coming.. time to clean.. time to renew.. time to keep moving…
night all, nite sam.. good to see your stuff