A little catch-up on pictures I couldn’t post earlier this week… due to internet issues at home.
Gabe, Austin. Jack and Will are all freshman at MMU. This year they competed in the Winter Carnival Grand Prix. The idea is to build a human powered car and race through the halls of the high school banging into things. We got together a couple of times this week up at David’s and used his shop. The kids designed and built the car themselves. .. It was a cool design, 4 casters mounted on a wooden frame with a sloping handle with a crosspiece. for pushing.. They painted the whole thing the freshmen class color.. salmon .. (salmon?!?!).

Race day was last friday.. they did pretty. well.. but didn’t place.. but they definitely had the coolest video
While their car was speeding through MMU. ours was taking Diane and me to Boston to see my folks..somewhere near Barre, our little toyota turned 160,000 miles.. We tosted her with seltzer. All those trips to NY are adding up..! She’s been a good car..

As I said last night.. our trip to see my folks was really nice.. they’re doing well…We started with a great sushi dinner at a place near them.. lots of saki !

We spent most of the time looking at old pictures
Here’s a picture of my grandmother Madeline, (lower left) .. her sister Gladys, lower right .. and her aunts . Keenie, frady. gussy and someone else. . behind. ..

Some of the same family with my sister Mary// ,ust be in the 70’s

My cousins harry. my dad and my cousin Sam with sporting the familiar Cohn/Patz hairstyle and physique.

A bunch of my dad’s marathon numbers

Smumming on the couch

Breakfast.. dad looking chipper !

A GREAT picture of Sam that my mom found …. I love this picture !

A bunch of old navy pics from my dad.. here he is pointing to himself on the rocket launcehr ship he was on

Dad as a young Ad man in NY or Houston

Dad as a baby (?!?!)

An ad he did on Bowling using my brother and sister .. must have been the early 70’s based on hairstyles..

my dad’s high school gradulation in Elberton Ga.. myust be 1947

His college diploma form NYU

Dad’s first enlistment class in the Navy (he was 17)

A memory of one of his nay missions..

His fire control school graduation

My dad’s first business.. teaching swimming

Pictures from us leaving (posted these yesterday)

THe weeks paper at a gas station on the way home.. so much difference a day can make (Go Egypt !!!)

And.. a quick hello to Sam on a cross country ski Diane and I got in jus tbefore dark when we got home

Today has been pretty quiet.. Diane and I got the dogs out for a really nice snowshoe.// there’s just SO MUCH SNOW !!!
I’ve been working in the shop all day on the tesla project.. good project.. but I’m frustrated witt the last couple of steps.. Hope to finish it up this week.
that’s about it.. going to be a busy week…
nite all, nite Sam