Saturday night – making space

Glorious day.. did very little.. just wrote some code to make a movie of about 3000 pictures of folks at work..    Mid day, Diane and I got out with the dogs for a snowshoe with the dogs. We climbed up a ridge in Honey Hollow… it was beautiful.. about 3 feet of snow everywhere… weather in the mid 20’s.. it doesn’t get better than that..

While we were walking I was telling Diane about the meeting I attended yesterday in NY.. I was really taken by one of the things our senior leaders said in his talk.. he talked about ‘making space’ to think. I took his point to be that sometimes we get overly focused on fighting the wrong battle .. in doing that we can sometimes spend all of our time knocking our heads against a wall and  exhausting  ourselves   as we continue to try and do the thing we’ve always done. He said that sometimes we need  to ‘make some space’   to step back away from the struggle  we’ve been locked in, reduce the clutter in what we’re doing, think clearly then act with a more clear and longer term intent..    He was talking about a specific set of challenges at work.. .. but I am taking it as a more general suggestion… I like it.. and I’m going to try approaching the next few weeks like that. I’ll let you know how it goes !.

night all.. nite sam


Friday night – there and back

Ahh.. it’s not quite midnight and I’m back home after a quick day and a half trip down to armonk. It was my areas quarterly leadership mtg.. and once again I enjoyed it immensely. I’m still feeling very much like ‘the new guy’ in my new-ish job..  still trying to figure out the orgs, who’s who, who does what.. I do like them all very much.. and I’m really impressed with how much they know.. and how much they care about their jobs.  It’s also very good for my brain having to find my place in a new group after being so long in my previous gig. .  I do miss my old org too..

We all stayed at the ibm learning center again.. long time readers will recognize that the ILC is my favorite hotel on the planet. It was covered by a thick blanket of new snow. On my run this morning, I startled this small deer. He dove off the road into the deep snow and got sort of stuck. I stopped and explained to him that I meant him no harm and kept running.. I hope he dug his way back to the road after I passed.

It was a long and very interesting day at the meeting.. can’t go into it here. I was glad I attended… I also was sad to have missed another meeting back in Burlington..  I wanted to be both places.

The high point of the trip was driving down and back with three freinds, Jim , Dale and Dave.. Jim drove the entrire way in both directions which I greatly appreciate..

On the way home we stopped for a few min to look at the time cycle.. It’s there in the background though you cant see it in this picture..

OK.. I cant keep my eyes open any more.. gotta sleep. More tomorrow

nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – Memphis…

Memphis.. not the city but the musical I was lucky enough to be able to see the 2010 Tony award winning Musical Memphis with a group of friends tonight in NYC. I didn’ teven know that’s where I was goign to be tonight.. I was in the city for abotu 4 hours.. I didn’t even get to see Max.

The city was really cool tonight. they’ve had so much snow. that all the streets were full of slush.. Not sure why that appeals to me so much.. but it does. The snow covers up soem of the grit I suppose.

The musical was really great, . It tells a story of a young white radio DJ in Memphis in the 50’s who started playing black music on the radio.. I read that it was loosley based on the story of a man named Dewey Phillips.

THe music and danceing was really really good.. as was the story line.. I liked it because it wasn’t simple.. it was sort of a love story.. but it didn’t all work out in the end.. kinda complex.. like the world is.

What a treat !

gotta sleep now..

nite everyone.. nite sam


Wednesday night – salad days

The world sends us strange messages.. sometimes marinated in soy sauce.. Today I was lucky enough to have 30 minutes for lunch.. a rare luxury these days.. As I sat there eating with friends I came across the most perfect piece of marinated tofu in the shape of Vermont..

Now this piece of tofu could have been in the shape of Arkansas.. or New Mexico.. or even Utah.. but no.. it was our own fair state..I can only take it as a good omen

It must have been, Gabe one first place again at Night Riders in Bolton tonight !.. Woot !

nite all, nite sam
