Happy birthday satori mariano cohn. Our puppy is now a four year old woman dog. She was just a tiny black furball when we got her in 2008. Now Shes a midsize black furball. Her name satori means sudden enlightenment . I think it fits her pretty well as she seems to be amazed by everything she sees. Shes always ready to play… Even at 3 am when she wakes us to go outside her favorite pastime is teasing her big sister chai…who has a generally calmer and quieter disposition
Its really wonderful sharing the house with a different species . Those girls are always reminding me to enjoy the worlds real and simple pleasures … A run in the woods., a nap by the warm fire , a scratch behind the ear, a full belly. Thanks for that
Happy birthday my furry friend. We loVe toys very much
Nite all, nitr sam