Wednesday night – all work and no play

Most folks know that I recently changed jobs. I’m really excited about my new role .. I’m learning so much and meeting new people. I feel really lucky to have found this role. I really want to do a good job in this new role .. TO make sure that happens, I’m doing my best to focus on a few important tasks.. That’s all working pretty well, .. but there’s one catch.. As I try to focus in on these few tasks, I seem not to have left any time for fun.. .don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the work.. but fun is … well ‘fun’ .. and thats why they call it fun..There’s great irony here, because I’m about to give a talk on the importance of fun in work… Isn’t it great when life sends you irony like that to teach you a lesson. ?


nite all, nite sam



Tuesday night – surrounded by love

Yesterday we marked Sam’s 20th birthday.. we’d told folks to drop by if they felt like it.. I think by the end of the evening we’d had about 80 folks drop by.. many of them Sam’s freinds.. It was a hard day.. and also a very good day. It was so good coming together to catch up. remember sam .. .play music, light things on fire, eat, drink. jump on the tramp, skateboard.. . all the stuff Sam loved doing .

We definitely felt surrounded by love.. One of the great finds of the day was a new picture that Sam’s freind John brought over..Its of Sam,. John and Justin.. nice.. its on our fridge now


When it came time to cut the cake, max and Jac joined in by face time..

So much love..


thanks to everyone who called, facebooked, dropped by or just thought of us.. It really helped…

thanks from all of us .. especailly sam

nite all, nite sam



Monday afternoon – Sam at 20

Happy birthday Sam.. you would have been 20 years ago today. my son. Even though you are not with us physically, You are still so much part of our lives. I lay in bed this mornign trying to imagine what you would be like at 20. what would you be doing ? where would you be living..? Who knows…. ? It doesn’t matter, I suppose..
What does matter is that you are so much still in our hearts and minds.. and the hearts and minds of so many people. We’ve been able to watch your brothers grow, your freinds grow.. they’ve been here for us, we’ve been there for them.. and you live on somehow in that bond.

I also went through and pictured you at every year..I pictured myself with you.. the day you were born, our first walk together.. camping, swimming.. swinging around to crazy music.. that kind of stuff. you were falways un to be with… I spent a good long time looking at pictures of you. What a beautiful kid.. what a beautiful person. I even went in and listened to some recordings of your voice. it was so good to .. hear your voice

this afternoon freinds will come and we’ll think about you and toast you.. we’ll even cut a cake for you.. wherever you are….whatever you are now.. .. I hope you can feel the love from all of us..

I love you forever my son..
happy birthday Sam

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Sunday night – Minotaur

Peaceful day.. and I needed it.. the coming of Sams birthday tomorrow has e in a sad and quiet place.. I worked around the house most of the day.. midday we headed over to freind Sharon’s house for lunch.. then my work buddy, Currie and his wife and two aunt in laws and their husbands showed up in an wonderful and unexpected visit..

around 7L3 we headed over to Chris and Kim’s for the end of their studio weekend… Chris had done a wonderful Minotaur sculpture that we were donating to the flames.. It was beautiful and stately.. Chris lit the fuse.. and this is what happened

it was so cool watching folks watch the burn.

now it’s time for bed.. tomorrow would be Sam’s 20th birthday..It’s a strange feeling.. certainly bitter sweet.. but I have to say.. more sweet with each passing year..

Happy almost birthday my beautiful son.. you’re in our hearts every minute of every day..
nite all, nite sam