Greetings from beautiful Newark NJ. It actually is beautiful… Anyplace is beautiful with this kind of weather.. I spent the day counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike.. Or something like that .. Actually I came down for a very cool meeting.. Real problems, real computers, real people.. I loved it.l now I’m waiting for my flight back and ran into our good friend jeremy aka bulldog from back home. He’s been waiting in the airport since noon ! I think I’m going to go get the poor kid a beer.
That’s one cool side benefit of straddling, running into friends in strange places.. Or in this case, strange friends in places…
I feel like such an adult today.. Diane and I bought our first gas grill together after 31 years of cooking on little rusting wobbly charcoal grills, we finally took the plunge. For mothers Day and fathers day combined we pooled our funds and bought a shin y Propane grill, complete with utility hooks and bun warmers , and a little stove on the outside I can use to power my moonshine still ( oooops shouldn’t say that, should I?). Like all modern things, some assembly was required… Should I feel bad that it took us longer than the average 45 minute assembly time… I I guess we were just enjoying the ride… True to form, the little package of parts shorted us 5 lock washers… Wish I had to supply from my own private stash. But it tried to make it up to us by giving us an extra 1/2 inch bolt.. Fair Is fair… Really , putting one of these together is a lot like life.. The instructions you get are Mickey and unclear, all the parts aren’t there, but if you hunt around, you can make do. There are always a few rough edges.. But when you step back and behold what you’ve done, it’s something admiring,,,,
Late night so not much time to blog… But.. I had a minor breakthrough today.. I actually wrote some code for work.. Ok it wasn’t real code.. It was pseudo code.. But it was more than pseudo fun to write. It may not sound like a big deal. I write a ton of code.. But it’s all for hobby stuff these days .. And don’t think that I’m not working hard at work .. It’s just that folks rarely let me touch the actual code that were going to sell.. I help architects things.. And help set the direction for things. But coding.. Not so much… But today I actually was called on to produce semicolons and parenthesis like old times… It was awesome… I’m gonna write some more tomorrow..l
Time to go to bed a dream of curly braces…
Nite all, nite Sam
Today felt a little better than yesterday (sorry my post didn’t go out last night). I was feeling a little overwhelmed as I try hard to focus on a few key tasks in my new job. Nothing like working until 2 am to give you that ..’I just cleaned out my inbox, caught up on my homework, and started to hallucinate because I stayed up too late’ feeling. I ended up meditating twice today which gives me extra Khama points, I guess.. I did feel like I could start to see all of the puzzle prices.. If not see how they all fit together quite yet.
Just finished Diane’s Tuesday night relaxin yoga which is the surest way to post w ok bliss that I know I am certain that I was all stressed about something when I was on my way home, but I’ll be damned if I can remember what it is…
Nice … Huh ?
Nite all, note Sam
Ps.. See one found one of the samstones that was hidden in Iran yesterday.. Petty cool !