Monday night – Dreams

If you see me in the next couple of months.. don’t talk to me, I’m supposed to be working.

I’m really enjoying my new job.. T Here’s so much cool, and new stuff.. that everything seems interesting.. and everything seems possible. at the same time.. I really need to focus on a few important things that I need to get done in the next 3 months or so.. I’m having to turn down lots of cool invites and new projects just to make sure I’m successful in the end.

This is so much on my mind that I’m even dreaming about it. The other night I had one of those crazy frustrating dreams that seems SO real. In my dream I was running around trying to get too many things done at once (sound familiar).. I zoomed back to my office from a trip only to find I was supposed to be running a meeting somewhere else. I ran to the elevator.. which had been moved.. only to find i full of kids all lit up with weird lights. They wanted to stop at every floor.. and they were singing. We finally got to the ground floor.. when I realized I’d left my briefcase upstairs.. I ran back up the stairs.. grabbed my briefcase and waited for the elevator.I finally go to the ground floor only to find that the buildings doors had moved.. I had to  run around the building to the parking lot to get my ca.r. the parking lot attendant was an old hippy (nice guy).. but he insisted that he match your ticket with this huge role of stubs he had.. but they were all from different cities. My stub was from Paris Texas (huh ?).. and it took him 30 minutes to find it.. meanwhile I knew tha all these folks were at my destination waiting for me..  I woke up so frustrated…  but I knew the message in there..


so .. again.. if you see.. please don’t talk to me. tell me to get back to work.. .. at least not for the next 3 months..

At least i;m having fun 🙂

nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – Mothers !

Happy mothers day to all you mothers out there. I know its one of those schmaltzy made up holidays.. but I like it.. It’s nice to take a day to think of those who gave us life.. and breakfast..

We had a great day.. our gift to Diane was to spend the day working in the garden with her.. which was incredibly fun and grounding.  Diane is such a wonderful mate and mom.. it was fun digging in the dirt with her all day.


we took an early mornign run, then headed out to weed the front garden.. a few hours later, gabe woke up and we went in and had a yummy crepe breakfast..

as always, sam was with us in spirit..   we light the candle to invite him in.. I felt him here.. and not here.. so strongly  all day

Gabe and I needed superpowers for gardening.. so I resorted to an old cohn family recipe… grape juice and orange juice mixed and stirred with a green tinkertoy (though I had to substitute a green chopstick)

then it was back outside to work.. about 8 hours total..

we weeded and mulched one of the front gardens,

mulched and weeded part of the beds next to the barn..

got the pool cover off and started  filling the pool (though we’re still having occasional frosts)

dog the turf off of our crazy septic plant, lined it, put down garden cloth and mulched it..

took down the rest of the storm windows (we have over 300 plates of glass around here)

and I fixed Diane’s fountain.. a mothers day present which max, sam gabe and I chose for her together…

mid day we took a break to talk to max, and our parents.. Max was visiting my folks with Jac and his boat buddies Dave and Amy . .. so we did a facetime chat with him. We got to speak to my mom … and wish her a happy moms day.. Shes a great mom…


we love you judy !!!


here are some flowers that Max and Jac picked out for her.. I was so gld he was down with granda on mothers day..what a good kid !

max sent diane a mothersday movie.. and he watched her watch it via facetime.. very cool !

I got to speak to Diane;s Mom , marcia later in the evening..  it was good speaking with her. too. We love you Marcia !.

by 7 we were all beat.. Gabe was on the tramp listening to Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.

now.. I’m ready to fall asleep… gotta go wash off soem of the dirt first.. more tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam… we miss you today and every day..



Saturday night – weekending

If there was a unifying theme for today it was ‘doing nothing’ .. Diane, Gabe  and I are have all been pretty over-programmed last week so we made a concerted effort not to make a concerted effort on anything this weekend We had a quiet evening at home where the big event was throwing sharp things at tree stumps.. Gabe has some special throwing knives, a throwing tomahawk.. and even some freaky batmanesque throwing bats. .. Nothing is more satisfying that throwing an axe at a tree and seeing/hearing it stick. YEAH !

we bilt a small fir and huddled around it as the night came and cooled things off. I think we even had a light  frost last night

This morning we met Jen and Tim and took the dogs u to Gillette pond, one of our favorite walks

such a beautiful place and only a mile form our house

for some reason the entire mountain was covered with butterflies this morning. they were even in our yard..

we came back and worked in the yard for a few hours…   i ran some errands.. including dropping the Tesla coil over at freind Scott’s.. .. I always like visiting him.. he has such cool stuff in his basement !

hen around 4 we walked over to freind Gary’s birthday party.. We stopped to admire the State’s elaborate fish counter for land locked salmon. It looks like it just landed here.

Gary’s party was really nice.. .. Gary was my boss in the mid 1990’s .. his kids Ian and Jess were in for the festivities..

there was food, music, baseball… and just hanging out.. that’s what we chose to do..

then it was time for cake.. here’s all of garys family, brother, mother, sister, wife Janet, Gary. and kids Jess and Ian.

there were two bands there tonight .  both really good. .   some dancing..

Diane and I left around 10 .. We came home and messed around with some of the liquid nitrogen that I had left..

a cool way to end a very nice day..

So not much of a newsy day.. but very satisfying.. more tomorrow from mothers day..


nite all, nite sam


Friday evening – buzzwords

Today was a kind of buzzword days… Same themes kept coming hip again and again..l I wish I kept score…

  • The overall theme for the days was ‘play’ it first came to Diane during zoomba yesterday.. It was the first thing she said to me this morning.. And it kept coming up,
  • the second one was ‘context’ … That’s a word that comes up at work all the time now.. It can mean many things, depending on the context… (wait, isn’t that a tautology ? ( now just wait.. Tautology will be a buzzword for me next week )) ..
  • the third word today was ‘intelligence’.. Not as in the real thing, but as in the way that computers sometimes pretend to be intelligent.. Tough they are getting more intelligent-ish every day
  • the fourth word was ‘facilitator’, as in … I can’t do anything without a facilitator .
  • the fifth word was ‘dialed in’ … I say that often now when I haven’t quite figured out what too do next
  • the sixth word was ‘3d printer’ .. Now I know that’s 2 words.. But it seems to be coming up in my life ALL the time (that’s for you, Ville in Helsinki If you are reading this ). I swear I have seen that phrase at least ten times this week in ten different contexts.. Not only that, but I used one last week

I guess the task that remains for my day is to use them all in a sentence together… As in..

I need to get dialed in on a facilitator to help me get the intelligence on a context for the 3d printer

No.. That doesn’t work..but dinner is ready, let me ponder that some more…

Nite all, note Sam