Sunday night – udderly amazed

Very nice day today.. perfect weather and not too much to do. Took a long run up in the mountains with the girsl.. very good for my soul. The book I’m reading (Imagine by Jonah Lehrer says running is good for creativity.. but all I did was think about nothing.. bliss)

Early afternoon I headed over to Homers to work on a project. On the way I saw freind and sort of neighbor Erin out on their tractor . I ducked in for a quick tour of Erin’s and her Fiancess robotic milking parlor. Erin’s been telling me about it for months..

here’s Cher.. she decided to give us a demo. Each cow has an rfid ear tag.. the machine will only milk them if they need milking..

Here’s the robot

and the entry side

here’s Cher..

first the machine reaches out and cleans here teats..

then it uses lasers to locate each teat

then it latches on and starts milking..

all the details of each cow.. weight, milk production, teat location.. etc are on the computer.


here’s the milk.. she gave over 20 gallons

heres the manure scraping robot.. the back scratching robot is in the background (no joke)

here are the manure producers.

erin then showed me the milk tank

then it was off to homers… always love working there..

thats it for now.. more tomorrow. have a nice week everyone…

nite all, nite sam



ps. here’s a snapping turtle that diane and I saved on friday. Dane gave me one of the car floor mats.. and i reached under him and tossed him off the road.. he wasn’t happy but he was safe. He was pretty pig.. he could have taken off a finger with that beak of his..

Saturday night – prom night

very quiet day.. odd for cinco del mayo.. diane was at a yoga thingy.. so I had most of the day alone.. I spent the mornign doing green up day.. Thats the time that all good Vermonters take to the back streets with bright green garbage bags.. I took the stretch of cochran road between the winniski bridge and the huntinon bridge. n that short segment I found 6 car tires, a bunch of beer bottles.. two bottles of sambuca and countless…and I mean countless cigarette butts,,,
The afternoon I spent puttering around the house.. I even managed to fall asleep on the skateoard ramp for a bit. All in all a beutiful day… The big enven for the day came in the evening. Gabe and his friend Raya were heading to the Junior prom.. He were joinde by gabes freinds marcello and david and thir dates… They did up the whole prom thing.. tuxes, corsages… high heals… (well the girls at least)
Gabe and marcello tried out their tuxes on the trampoline.. to start the evening..

then came picures and dinner.. the kids were great… i know thta they had fun.

now.. they’re out at the prom.. and diane and I are watching a movie… I should have gotten her a corsage.

nite all, nite sam

Friday night – guilty pleasures

We just came back from middlebury after watching gabe play a great lacrosse game it was a beautiful evening and the drive both ways was spectacular with ll the spring foliage coming out in various shades of green and some flowering trees already in bloom. I just plopped down on the couch with a glass of wine, put my feet up and started some recreational programming (javascript) … Its a guilty pleasure sort of thing on friday night after a long (but interesting) week.
The thought of ‘guilty pleasures’ reminds me of a talk show i heard on a college radio station in ny earlier this week .. The topic was guilty pleasures… Things you like.. But dont like admitting that you like… folks were calling in and admitting their own guilty pleasures…. Folks called in to admit such things as harlequin romances, old abba cds and friend chicken.. Got me thinking.. What are my guilty pleasures … Beyond programming on a friday night ? Here are a few things That come to mind:

  • sappy movies like juno and lost in translation, the iron giant
  • naps in the middle of the day .. Sometime in my office
  • doing nothing
  • cheescake
  • anchovies
  • thiso one stupid duran duran song
  • shel silverstien poems
  • roller coasters
  • country western music (at least when I’m welding)
  • bubble bath
  • chocolate icing
  • fortran
  • african violet incense
  • sleeping late
  • soft bathrobes
  • bowling
  • macaroni and cheese with that weird orange powdered cheese
  • babies
  • jumping off the richmond bridge
  • croissants
  • the sound of old volkswagon engines
  • picking locks
  • astro boy
  • the big lebowski
  • snow angles
  • dogs
  • bright leds
  • oysters
  • tejano music
  • bad wine
  • steig larsons books
  • old hand tools
  • meteor showers
  • rainy days
  • schmalzy yiddish folksongs
  • semicolons
  • vienna
  • the smell of epoxy
  • weed wackers
  • the planet venus
  • maxfield parish prints
  • cognac
  • roses
  • dark chocolate
  • pocket knives
  • old electric shock gizmos
  • Better stop there…. What are yours ? Please let me know

    Nite all, nite sam

  • sappy country western songs

Thursday night – ketchup on calculus

Gabe and i just came back from a yummy dinner at bridge street after each of our respective long days.. It was great hanging out with gabe and talking. We got on the topic of calculus… There was no blackboard around.. So i picked up the closest thing.. A napkin and the squirt bottles of ketchup and mustard. I did my best to describe Reimann sum integration and derivatives using the condiments.. Not sure the waitress (our friend lauren) relished it much ….yuck yuck yuck




Nite all, nite sam