Tuesday night , back home and glad to be so… We had a great trip going down to see max on the boat its so good seeing him find his way in the world we love the people on the boat it is such a coo place to hang out
W had a good trip back home as well. I spent most of the time on the phone with work calls… But dine snuck in some good conversations and a little more of the audio book were listening to. We’re listening to jonah lehrer’s new book ‘imagine’ about the process of creativity. Some cool stuff in there like..
You can improve your creativity just by pretending that you are a child
it pays to be little sad when you need to be creative
you can use transcaranial stimulation to turn off the inhibitors in the brain.. That causes some people to temporarily become more artistic
the closer people are physically to their collaborators, the more likely there work is not to suck
brainstorming without respectful pushback doesn’t really work that welll
when you need inspiration, it pays to goof off
mixing new people into existing groups gives better innovation<... Bit too many or too few new people decreases innovation/li>
being the new kid on the block without background often helps with innovation
people will help solve your big hairy problems if you learn to incent the, properly
And many more.. But i’m too sleepy to remember them…
That means time for bed…more tomorrow
Nit all, nite sam
Very full day. I spent the day working in Armonk wchis is also fun. y trips there are full of new, cool info.. and I really like the folks I’m working with in this new roll. .. I didn’t get home until about 7PM.. we all met at the boat
Including my old freind Andy F.. I know him from hos days as floor manager at Higher Ground. He’s a great soul.. I’ve always wanted him to see Max’s boat.. today he made it.
We all headed out around 830 for dinner.. .. here we are walking away from the boat.
we got to robertas and were told it was a 2hour wait.. but they managed to seat us in 15 minutes. Bonus !
now back on the boat.. everyone fading into their screens in the dark.. kinda erie.. ..
here’s Dave and Amy with the wing of a turkey Dave shot in Texas last month.
Max just went off to work.. whic means its time for the rest of us to go off to sleep..
Greetings from deck 3 of the boat max calls home. Diane and I drive down here early this morning just to see max. We’ve had a good long cole rainy day. We spent most of it huddled around the woodstove .every few minutes a new roommate would walk through and introduce themselves… So it was never dull .
Looks like the wireless is not behaving, so I’m not sure that I’ll be able to Upload any pictures tonight. I guess I’ll just say bye from a very cold and wet corner of the boat.
tomorrow morning now.. here are the pics from yesterday)
what a strange day.. Diane and I went for a run this morning about 9 AM it was 66 degrees .. and it was so hot and humid. I was thinking that I’m just not ready for summer.. Personally, I just can’t don’t care for weather above 60 degrees. When we came home, I was soaked with sweat.. and smelling like a cattle car. About an hour later we left for Gabe’s Lacrosse game.. and the temperature started dropping. By the time we got to Rice High School in South Burlington it had dropped to 46 degrees.
There we were in our shorts and t shirts… The game was great.. but all the spectators were huddled in small clumps trying to keep warm. It was so funny.
Here’s gabe… looking warmer than we were ..
I love living in a place where you can’t control the weather.. (wait.. i think that’s everyplace. )..what I think is , I love being in a situation that I can’t control.. I love the unpredictability of life.. most of the time…