Wednesday night – Slo day

Oooops.. just saw this didn’t publish yesterday.. sorry !


Just spent a really wonderful day in Slovenia… where you Say ? Slovenia is like OZ.. a place only few come to.. but anyone who does will surly fall in love with the place.. it reminds me of new zealand in that it’s it’s own little world.. with great geographic diversity, .. and all in all awesomeness. Everyone I met here was a) smart, b) nice and c) pretty happy.. can’t ask for better than that.. with a population of just about 2 million its pretty tiny.. but has the highest GDP in eastern Europe..
I was here once 33 years ago and the place has changed remarkably.

I spent teh day meeting with clients, ibm folks, journalists and students..

Here are the folks from ‘Take a bite out of science’ a science promotion tv show for kids and other humans.. they were just so great.. they asked great questions.we tied out the electric pickle experiment with a a red pepper and a hot dog.. fun and smelly

here’s the view of Croatia from the balcony..

after the IBM forum.. we headed back to Ljubljana to the university.. I got a good view of the coastline by day..

There’s was a nice crowd at the technical university tonight. It was an IEEE meeting.

i enjoyed given my talk there.. what a great group of folks. Three of them I’d met in belgium 2 years ago now that’s a small world. Here I am with Andrej’s son Jore who goes to school here.

afterwards a couple of us went out for dinner and Jore took me for a quick tour around Ljubljana at night.. what a gem !

ok.. time for just 4 hours sleep…

miss my homies.. love to all

nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night (late) – What the Heck ?

Greetings from Portaz in Slovenia.. I’m right at the Croatian border.. In fact, I can see the lights of Croatia from my room in the hotel. It was a longggg fun day. My buddy Andrej had lined up a bunch of talks with IBMers, Students and journalist.s.. Tomorrow it’s all Clients.. which will be fun..

Hungary was a real treat..t eh people are great, the landscape is great.. the language is… er… impenetrable. I like to think that I’m pretty good at languages.. but I don’t even recognize a single word of spoken Hungarian.. .. The one word I recognized on a sign today was ‘heck’.. and who knows what that really means.. what the heck anyway.. everyone I spoke to today was more fluent in English than I am !..

Here are some signs from the university technology park where I spent the day.. here’s the Citadela by day.


After leaving Budapest , Andrej and I had a good long (7 hour ) drive down to Slovenia.. We stopped at lake


or.. at least that’s what it sounded like.. it was beautiful and idyllic.. like the rest of the Hungarian countryside.

Sam is there now…

Then we reached Slovenia.. also very beautiful.. but in a different way.. very much like Austria..

We stopped breifly to meet andrej’s very nice wife and daughter.. and see his house.

We greabbed a traditianal snack.. then made the 2 hours drive more to here…

now it’s 2 am and I need to sleep. More in the morning..

big talk tomorrow.. hope it goes ok !

nite all, nite sam



Monday night – Three country day

Whirlwind day through three countries.. Day began at 7AM in Austria.. my freind Andrej from Slovenia picked me up at Osman and Katerine’s place on the west side of Wien.. but 8:00 we were crossing the boarder to Slovakia through fields of wind turbines.. they were everywhere !

Brataslava was a nice town.. definitely on the rise.. beautiful architecture and really nice folks

Here’s our little IBM mobile for the week

I put a samstone in a small park before we began our day in slovakia

One great stop was with te great people of Fun Radio.. a really cool and intelligent talk show on the radio.. I looked them up. they have some amazing guests.. (and a really cute dog under the desk). I really enjoyed speaking with them !

ten lunch (here’s my octopus soup.. RELEASE THE KRACKEN.. or the crackers at least !)

And another cool /smart journalist there to talk to !

Then to the technical university for my talk..

talk went well. I really enjoyed speaking with the students and faculty.. I felt very, very welcome !

Here’s Andrej wit our comms handlers.. (Hi comms handlers.. thanks for your help today !)

then a quick tour of the IBM site and some meetings with the folks there..

me and my boy TJ Jr.

then back in the car.. and a 2 hour drive to Budapest.. trough even more windmills.. a beutiful spring drive.. everything here is green


Checked in to the hotel in Budapest only o find the last 4 digits of the internet passcode wiere the last 4 digits of my drivers license… (queue the spooky music !!!)

Budapest is gorgeous.. I emailed my old buddy Zoltan and he met us for a late tour and dinner..

Here’s the state house.. right next store is the presidents palace.. he resigned (!!!) tonight due to a scandal about his PhD thesis 20 years ago !

At my request, Zoltan drove us up to the citadela monument.. About 30 years ago I got chased out of there at 3AM by a soldier with a gun.. (long story) .. but it looked different now. .The soviet era statues had been moved away leaving the lone statue of a woman looking to the north.. It’s actually a memorial to the preWWII leaders son who was shot down over the soviet union. It’s been restored since the fall of the eastern block .   No guns up there tonight.. just a beautiful view of the city !

Zoltan and Andrej by citadela light

I put a samstone here too

then down to Litz square for a nice meal…

and now bed.. more tomorrow

nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – Happy Birthday Diane … and hello from Wien

First things first.. Happy birthday to my lovely and magical wife Diane.. . the queen of my planet, the ping to my pong, the yin to my yang.. the see to my saw.. the gee to my gaw..  even though I’m a bazillion miles away I’m blowing out my birthday candle on a piece of sacher torte in your direction. Diane. I love you more than words can tell.. and certainly more than I can spell..


OK.. now where am I ? I woke today as I was landing in Vienna.. a city I love but have not visited since 1006.  in the summer before Sam’s passing. I lived here as an exchange student during my junior year in college. I’m here for a whirlwind 4 day tour of client meetings, IBM employee meetings and university talks.. I managed to meet up with my old freinds (and ex landlords) Frau Erol , and her son Osman and wife Katherine and kids Stephanie and Konstantin, and Osman’s brother Murat and his daughter Murial . Osamna pciked me up at the airport and we headed out to their house near Schonbrunn plaace..

After a quick nap we wen over to Frau Erol’s ohouse where I lived from 1979 -1980..

THere was Herr Erol

s name on the door, but sadly, he passed away 2 years back. Frau Erol met us at the door looking exactly as she had 30 years ago..

We all sat down and had a austro-turkish lunch just like I remember having with them every sunday.. While I’ve been back here at least 5 since 1980, this is the first time we’ve all sat down for lunch like the old days.. It was like the last 32 year had not elapsed.. .. 32 years.. that’s pretty amazing.. !


Katherine had made a Sacher Torte which is delicious and required eating when visiting Wien (aka Vienna)

We topped it off with soem of freind Debra’s specially made Maple shortrbreads that id’ bought form home. It was fun trying to explain to murial what maple syrup was.

As I was lookign through pictures, I found several of my family that we’d sent Frau Erol over the years.. there were all three boys.. . I also found the picture of Frau and Herr Erol’s son Avi who died at age 3 in 1968.. THose boys were still so much in our hearts..  It was nice to see the small picture of Herr Erol as well.


After lunch I took the pilgrimage up to the 3rd floor to see my old apartment. Karin and her family live there now.. though Karin was out of town, I got to see her husband Willie and two of the kids..   The apartment had changed quite a bit !

This was my old room


and this was our kitchen.. now a bathroom


the views from the stairs were just as they were ..


We all then set oyt for a walk that lead us down Graf Starhembergass.. then down Kolschitzkygasse.. naemd for Count Kolschitzky who supposedly rode across the siege lines during the ottoman blockade of Vienna and stole Coffee from the turks. THats supposedly how Vienna.. then the rest of Europe and America came to know coffee !


Past my old Ubahn (subway) stop


Then over to the Belvadere palace ..


we then walked up to teh 1st district and came down Kartner Strasse.. the main waling mall.


and took a quick peak in Stephan’s Dom.. the city’s cathedral.

Though I’m far from Catholic.. I lit a candle for Sam and Dylan..

we then walked up the Graben .. passing severla of my favorite haunts including te Esterhazzy keller bar and trezewiniskies were I’d stop off an get pepper glop spread on bread and vodka before class (hey.. it’s the custom here.. :-)and went trough the Easter market before coming out on Freyung.. the site of the Kinsky Palace whre I went to school that year.


Then we wandered back towards Stephansplatz and caught the Uban  4 back to Sudtiroler  Platz and Frau Erol’s home

On the way out, I spied te self-same telephone that we used to hack with a piezoelectric lighter.. you clicked the lighter near te coin slot.. and shazam.. it thought you’d put in $50 of coins.. we never used it for anything. it was just fun to do..


Later this evening Osman, Katerine, Konstantine and Froau Erol and I met for a nice Italian dinner.. we walked home.. it was so great hanging out with my old freinds. Tomorrow I start work at 7AM and will be non stop until Friday.. Wish me luck.


More from the road tomorrow..

Happy Birtday Diane..

Nite all, nite sam


ps. Here are some more pics I took today trough our long walk in the city.