I woke this morning after only four hours of sleep. There was a chocolate chip pancake waiting for me and it was still warm. It’s so nice having Diane
back. I’ve been working very hard on Ben’s truck along with my friends Seth, Collin, and John. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s also been a lot more work than any of us ever thought. It has to be done by this Saturday. So it’ll be nice to have that out-of-the-way one way or the other.
I got home at about 1 AM. It felt like I was taking the night off after the two and 3 AM is that I’ve been pulling most of the week. And when I got home there was a wonderful stirfry dinner waiting for me. Oh I love my wife.
It’s time for bed. More tomorrow. – Night all, night Sam
– me
That’s such an awesome pancake !