Friday night – the sky is falling !

What a strange day in terrestrial history… ! Today the world was inhaling a bit to make sure that asteroid 2012da14 eased by us when another smaller but better aimed projectile skidded into the earths atmosphere over the ural mountains in russia. In sure the two events are linked… But still.. Its a lot to take in for a single day.
2012da14 was big enough news.. At about the size of an apartment building, it was big enough to o some serious mischief to our planet should it have hit… And almost hit it did. It came within 17,200 miles of the earths surface.. Hats a hairs breadth in astronomical terms.. Consider that the earth is only about 8000 miles across.. Hats only two earth diameters distance from the surface of our planet. To put that in further prospective.. Thats about 1/10 th the way to the moon… Whew !
But the ruck that hit russia was even bigger news to me.. I just read that aver a 1000 folks were injured .. Though none seriously i hear… When this chunk of rock streaked through the sky at 33,000 mph. Early this morning. There are some amazing photos on the Internet of the contrail left as the air behind it cooled. It brought to mind the famous tanguska event .. Where another asteroid. Entered the atmosphere over russia in June of 1908 and exploded in the air….. The blast leveled trees in an area more than 800 square miles.

To this day, some fringe science lovers attribute that blast to an experiment gone horribly wrong (or wonderfully right) by nikola tesla.. At the time tesla was working on his never completed giant tesla coil at wardencliff long island…

Todays events really remind us that we live in a wonderfully dynamic and unpredictable universe…

Thats all the reason i need to go get a second helping of chocolate cake from the fridge…

Nite all, nite sam

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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