Just back from a lovely Seder at our friend Beth and Scott. The bonus was that our friends from New York Peter and Beth were also in town. I didn't realize until I just got home but I think of the whole room full of people only Peter and i were actually Jewish. The rest were Unitarians. I guess Unitarians are so inclusive that they will party with anyone.
It was great conversation, great food and just generally a great vibe.
The kids actually acted out the 10 plaques.. They inlued Lice, boils, blood an all that..
I follow #thetweeofgod .. He's named 10 new plagues for 2013
1. Homophobia
2. Bad wi-fi
3. Kardashians
4. Meth
5. Uggs
6. Hipsterism
7. CO2
8. Facebook
9. Indifference
10. Beyoncé
It was so nice coming togther to retell the old stories an here soem n twists on them. Our eep thanks to beth and scott for inviting us !
Chag sameach everyone
Nite all,nite sam