Saturday night – Kumare

Really nice. Started out with a nice long snowshoe up at the catamount Trail. There was probably a foot and a half of snow and it was just beautiful. We Visited the tree that we decorated around Christmas and took Off the few remaining strings from the food we had used to hang food on it.

We followed and Old woods Road past the foundation for what must've been an old mill..
The dogs love being out in the snow but it sticks on their legs so much I feel sorry for them.

It's actually hard to tell where the satori stops and the rug starts

i spent the rest of the day working on three major geek projects that have got going. Made good progress. Around 630 I got dressed because I thought we were going out but we both decided that we rather stay in. We made a nice Indian dinner and then we watched the most amazing movie. Its called Kumare… It's a documentary made by a guy named Vikram Gandhi. I know the story sounds terrible, but it's about him pretending to be a guru. I don't want to give it away. But it's an amazing story a little disturbing but very very interesting and actually heartwarming at the same time.

Well my inner guru is craving sleep so I'll that's it for today. More tomorrow
Night all, night Sam
– Me


Friday night – hall monitor

Spring really seems to be here.. The giant icicle outside our bathroom window seem to be shrinking rather than growing.. Which is a sure sign…




Good productive day.. Mostly meetings .. Nothing special, but a good rhythm to the day..

Around 6:30 diane and i went to the high school to serve shifts as chaperones for the dance in the gym. gabe helped out with teh lights and zev did the music.. It was a good crowd tonight. My job was to hang out with my buddy jeff, and watch the end of the hallway near the bathrooms and make sure that noone had any fun :-).


I can honestly say i had more fun at this school dance than any i went to when i was a kid..

I really like being a grown up

Nite all, nite sam



Thursday night – all niighter

9:30 and I just fell asleep on the couch I didn't get to sleep until 5 AM this morning I was working with Some friends from work on a demo for a customer in France today. It was pretty fun people in France India and a couple of places in the US and Ireland all working together to make something happen. At 4 AM this morning things wernt working very well … but somehow by 6 AM everything came together. I understand the demo went really well.

It was so much fun writing code through the night for work. I was thinking about the last time I actually pulled an all night for work on something technical was in 1999. I remember it really well I was working with my friend Brian and my friend Vasant. I managed to talk to both of them today coincidently we all reminisced on the old days of working through the night.

That Doesn't mean I don't pull an allnighter occasionally. I'm guessing I run pretty close to an all nighter about once a month on some project or other usually it's not work-related. I had to almost all nighters just in January alone On the stamper thing . I do occasionally have to stay up pretty late for work as well, but it's usuallywriting or PowerPoint that is keeping me up then. I definitely enjoy doing it for making soething or coding.

There's something really special about that foggy hallucinatory state you get in as the sun starts to come up and the lines of code start to kind of move around on the page front of you. If you could just bottle that feeling….ahhhhhhh

Speaking of foggy hallucinatory states I am falling asleep on my feet I better get horizontal before I konk out More tomorrow.

Nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – Sam Cohn award

Diana I just came back from Bolton Valley. But the first time I've been up on at the Resort all this year. It felt good to go back there. We were there for the last night of the Bolton night riders Series. It's a pick up competition on Wednesday night for snowboarders and skiers. Gabe and Sam Both used to compete. It was fun hanging around downstairs waiting for them to give out the awards.It had the familiar smell of ski boots and french fries. There were a few familiar faces there, but for the most part they were younger kids that I Have never met.

Our friend Burke won the skiers over 18… Nice !


They gave out all of the awards for tonight , skiers, snowboarders different age groups, etc. Then they get out the awards for the entire series. There were some pretty sweet prizes: skis and snowboards, backpacks coats it's all about the swag

Then it was time for the Sam Cohn award . Every year since Sam died we give out the award to the kid who's out there having the best time and gives back most to the others onthe mountain. the kid's peers help choose the winner. I got up and saidm a few words about Sam and about the award. It was funny feeling knowing that most of these kids Not only didn't know Sam , they probably didn't know about. Him. It made me feel even more important to give the award.This year the winner with Jake Pratt a very nice kid who lives around the corner from us. . He was pretty happy to win.



Ten all the kids Got together for a group picture. It was great

I went home feeling really happy about it. Which is saying something.
Night all, nite sam … We were all thinking about you tonight.
