It's only 11:30 and im home and I'm already ready for bed. That's quite a new thing for me these last couple of weeks. Tonight we finished our install for the exhibit at the firehouse Gallery. The opening is tomorrow night .. i guess not a moment too soon. It's been a lot of work..l Just like most of these big build projects, you just Don't know what you don't know until you try. I think there's an interesting lesson there for life and for work. Sometimes you must try rather than plan……
Tonight we got the last major glitch (we hope ) out of our device. We had a terrible memory leak Which it turns out my code Had caused. No surprise there 🙂
it was a big relief we all side when we discovered the root of the problem and squashed it. We quickly went across the street and had a celebratory beer before anything else could go wrong.
(Note photo courtesy of Max's friend willa )
Walk to my car one last look around the gallery at the two pieces I had helped build . The floorish exhibit at Homer and Karen's really cool water paintings. I'm really proud to be a part of both and I really enjoyed working with both teams.
Now Time for a few hours sleep.
Night all,night sam
– Me