Friday night – floored again

Another 2 AM night at the Miller Center. Furiously feverishly foolishly flailingly finally fixing to be Faultingly finishing our floors exhibition . to say we're finishing is a great exaggeration but things are actually blinking. It's going to be a long weekend… But I love this kind of work. Not much else to report .


driving home now Max is in town which is great he'll be a huge help. More tomorrow

Wish us luck.

Night all, night Sam




Thursday night – so simple

Diane pointed out to me today a funny coincidence She got a fb post from a friend about life simplification just on the day that I mentioned I started all my blog post with such a busy day or something like that. True, it seems like paste my life has been accelerating for the last 30 years. Maybe it's the season but I sense that everyone around me is in that same accelerating swirl all the time. Everything so complex, too.

There was a funny contrast to that last night. Two friends of friends from Sweden happened to be in town and needed a place to stay, Simon and Eric. They are friends of my friend Michael . Both Eric and Simon are expert makers. They came and visited the Floorish team while we were working on the exhibit last night and then showed up here at the house around midnight . I was still working on the project. We still managed to hang out for a couple hours and talk. Then again this morning before work. They were able to show me some of the very cool stuff that they made. Eric had some die cut plastic stuff he'd made that was both simple and elegant



They made things like these iphone holders, and clothes pins out of waste plastic.. So simple…
Also pyramid building blocks out of construction paper and animated sculptures out of soda straws.
My favorites were a bike fender called the ass saver and a clip on mustache for beer bottles.. Again all made out of plastic that would otherwise have been scrap.

Their full time job is to make thigns and tell folks about it…and that includes traveling the world and meetign other makers (like us) What a great job.. And how simple !


Hope we get to see them again !

Nite all, nite sam



Wdnesday night – smarter cities challenge

Super busy day… ( when dont i start my blogs that way ?) my day was so packed it went by in a blur….


At6 i went in to meet the 6 ibm folks who are here from all over the world for the smarter cities cahllenge.. We have isabella from france, bay from bulgaria by way of portlande, robert from munich, luuetch fromsao paolo, tom? From rochester ny, christian from austria by way of prague.. Teyre he for 3 weeks lookign to help the city of burlington gt the most out of their new smart meeters. They are greatpeople .. And i look forward to working with them




Gotta go now..
Nite all, nite sam



Tuesday night – its alive

Insanely busy day. It's 1230 at night and I'm sitting in a parking lot near Champlain Colleges Miller Center. I'm here because we're putting the final integration put on our exhibit for the user required show that will be opening at the Burlington firehouse Gallery next week.

The day began with a welcome ceremony for the IBM smarter cities challenge team at Echo. I'm so looking forward to talking with these folks there from at least eight countries and they're here to help Burlington with its smartgrid work


Then I had an insanely busy, fall and productive workday. I'm really enjoying what I'm working on Right now. The day just flew past. Got a good laugh when a friend of mine sent me this picture from the other nights Bunny and bacon night at nutty Stephs



At the end of the day I had another meeting outside this one at Champlain College. It was a Dinner meeting With around 50 from around the state to discuss the future of Vermont's creative economy. There was lots of discussion about education, the makers movement, venture capital, etc. the one thing that bound us all together is that we truly love where we live.




That was not the end of my day, at 8 o'clock all of the team from the Floorish exhibit met at the Miller Center for a final push on integration. Our mission tonight was To get all of the lights talking to all the computers. We were finally successful at midnight.





It was good to see but boy what a long day. Now home to sleep more tomorrow
Night all, night Sam
– Me