Tuesday night – bus station sushi

Productive last day at amagi.. began wiht a 5 mile run up and dwown the moutnain road with Luis and CHristian.. then all day of meetings. with a short brake for lunch and one hole of golf on the cute little green out back…


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By the time we got back on the bus for the 35 hour drive back to tokyo we wwere all pretty exhausted.. we hijacked the bus to stop at a convienince stor for ‘supplies’ (lots of beer and dried squid to eat).. it was quite a feeding frenzy in the store with Rolf and Tuji-san leading the check out..








it was a pretty well stocked sore. They even carried ‘Vermont Curry;.. a pupular dish in Japan.. no one knows why it’s called ‘vermont curry’ thoguh.. it does have pictures of apples on it.. go figure. IMG_0297


We made one smore sop on the way home at a rest stop that had the largest , most complex codfffe vending machine the world has ever seen !IMG_0301


We got to the hotel about 9:30,  a nice older place…



we quickly checked in then Simon, Ben and I waleled over to a suchi place in the bus station across from the hotel that those guys know well.. You gotta love a place where even the bus station sushi is better than our best suchi bars at home.. IMG_0303



we were swapping food stories when ben, who lives in china. whipped out his phone and showed us the duck beak sup he’d had a clients cafeteria the other day.. IMG_0304 IMG_0305


dinner was great and quick.. IMG_0306


then back through the empty bus station to teh hotelll IMG_0307


for a few more hours of work meetings.. .. these have been some long days.. but overall .. a very good trip


OK.. more form the road tomorrow,  thanks for everything Japan.

nite all, nite sam




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