I had a nice and strange surprise over the holiday break. I found out that Facebook, in its wisdom, had been screening my messages. Somehow they made the decision that certain people were my ‘close friends’ and others were not based on no input from me. when someone from the first group sent me a message, i was notified immediately. When someone from the second group sent me a message i never saw it. Instead it was relegated to some cyber-siberia nested several buttons deep on your profile. I might never have known this had i not bee alerted by a little balloon message that popped up the other day when i was responding to a message which asked me if I wanted to browse my ‘other’ messages. To my surprise there were hundreds and hundreds of messages id never seen.. Some going back to 2011. Most of them turned out to be from folks who had seen The Colony either in reruns, in other countries or on netflix. Many started with the phrase ‘you don’t know me …but ….’ Almost all of them were about the stuff we made on the show and the science behind it… Some were questions, others were appreciations, some were folks just saying hi. It took a few hours, but i responded to every one of them. id heard from so many kids, parents, teachers, and other nerds like myself. It made me feel really good that the maker/science message had come through despite all the other goofy stuff on the show.
I guess i should have been mad at Facebook fr hiding these notes… But it was so much fun reading them all in one sitting that i almost felt i owed them a thank you card.. Funny how that worked out…
First day back at work after the holiday break… That meant a couple of hours of digging through emails and paging back into my leaky mind what i was working on. I suppose i should be
proud of myself for so thoroughly unplugging from work over the break.. In fact, i cant remember a time where i stayed so consistently out of touch while on vacation. By midday i had remembered most of what i was doing. After such a great break, .i found myself happy to be back at work and psyched about several things I’m working on.
One interesting coincidental and metaphorical thing i noticed in my life today was on the same theme of being ‘unplugged’.. But in a mor literal sense.. For some reason several of my plug in appliances… My iPhone, iPad and my laptop all simultaneously developed problems with their charging cables .. All currently require some twisting and bending of their charging cables and/or plugs to get the device to charge… Now that i think of it… One of the hobby projects I’m working on for a friend has the same problem as well… All are plugged in. but not charging… Aside from the obvious Freudian interpretation, what can this mean ? Am i disconnected from my source of power ? A my connections getting frayed and loose ? Im going to have to think about this… But ill do it under a down comforter.. I just noticed on my drive home that it was 14 degrees below zero outside right now … Brrrrrrrrrr ,
First day back at work after the holiday break… That meant a couple of hours of digging through emails and paging back into my leaky mind what i was working on. I suppose i should be
proud of myself for so thoroughly unplugging from work over the break.. In fact, i cant remember a time where i stayed so consistently out of touch while on vacation. By midday i had remembered most of what i was doing. After such a great break, .i found myself happy to be back at work and psyched about several things I’m working on.
One interesting coincidental and metaphorical thing i noticed in my life today was on the same theme of being ‘unplugged’.. But in a mor literal sense.. For some reason several of my plug in appliances… My iPhone, iPad and my laptop all simultaneously developed problems with their charging cables .. All currently require some twisting and bending of their charging cables and/or plugs to get the device to charge… Now that i think of it… One of the hobby projects I’m working on for a friend has the same problem as well… All are plugged in. but not charging… Aside from the obvious Freudian interpretation, what can this mean ? Am i disconnected from my source of power ? A my connections getting frayed and loose ? Im going to have to think about this… But ill do it under a down comforter.. I just noticed on my drive home that it was 14 degrees below zero outside right now … Brrrrrrrrrr ,
Woke to the sound of many kids still in the house. About 25 kids had slept over.. and they were all gathered around our table eating everything in site.. It was a fun way to greet the year.. By about noon they were all gone.. but not before helping us clean up from the party…
The rest of the day as quiet and slow.. diane and i went out with the dogs on skis… the rest of the day I spent digging out of the email hole that everyone has after the holidays. so much email to read, respond and file.. ugh,.. I finally gott the hundered and hundereds down to one page.. That I’ll dig through tomorrow.. for now.. I’m too tired to type anymore.. so
I’ll just say again.. Happy new year everyone.. I hope it’s a good and productive year for us all..