Saturday night – bonus day

I woke today  in Vermont and not in Portland. instead of being disappointed i was kind of relieved. I had a full day.. no.. make that two days.. with nothing planned .. what a gift !

I spent it wonderfully wastefully … we did manage to get out on skis to check out the new snow on Gillette pond. there was about 18 inches and really heavy going. We had skis but the dogs were not so equipped.. By the time we got home we were beat !  We  did manage to stop by our old camping spot where all three boys and I camped out over the years… ‘Dead Beaver Island”.. not really an island.. more a point.. .. but we called it ‘dead beaver island’ because Sam and I once found a beaver skull under our tent while we were camping. I put a samstone there thinking about that night.

the dogs were so covered in snow that I needed to put them both in the tub to thaw them off..

i didn’t get enough snow… so gabe and I took advantage of the deep sow to start an epic snow fort.. he started on one side… i started on the other..

it was a great moment when we met in the middle…


23 feet of tunnel ! .. 23 feet….!  23 feeeeeeeeet .. how cool is that ?

nite all, nite sam


Friday night – not in portland

I am not in Portland and neither is Gabe.. We were heading out to Portland to check out one of the colleges he got in to (Lewis and Clark)..  I was goign out with him just for fun.   We had planned to head out thursday.. and take a day up at mount hood. We were about 15 minutes before leaving for the airport when we got a call from jetblue telling us our flights weren’t goign to work It was the second time we had to change our flights because of the storm ..  yesterday we had to move the flights today. then they were delayed today such that we couldn’t make our connection .  we tried to reroute ,… no dice.. i would have driven to Oregon if we could have..

I was so bummed.. i was really looking forward to hanging out with gabe.. and checking out the school.. mostly i was looking forward to the time with my son. Gotta think of something  else fun to do .

sometimes  you can’t control the planet

gotta get that through my head

nite all nite sam


ps.  i got called by two different reality show casting agents in 2 days.. how crazy is that ?



Thursday night – the elephant in the room

The situation during the day's getting increasingly intense. I find that I'm on the phone every moment talking to friends about their work situation. I've heard from so many friends. I love it and it the same time it's kind of stressful.
At the same time I'm really jazzed about the stuff I'm working on. I'm incredibly busy right now which feels good but I was starting to think about my calendar… and it really started freaking me out. some people stress out over money, I stress out over time. I knew I had some major work deliverables and hobby deliverables coming up, some talks I had to right then give, some work travel, and it all swirls together in my head.
I really need to see you all laid out. I came downstairs to find Diane to talk aboit it.. Shs always my best advisor. Imtold her about my schedule,woes,and she asked me if I had put all my stuffmOn my big calendar. She bought me a great dry erase calendar that allows me to see what I need to do by when. When I see things laid out all becomes clear.
Well… The answer,was no.. I hadnt put it on mymcalendar because id,had this,grwta,idea,in decmebr to,put my cal..which,is,as,uglymas,it,is,useful… Behind a really cool fabric wall hanging that we got in India

.. I figured it spruced up my work space to have a wise elephant behind my head rather than my messy calendar.. I kept it current for several weeks.. But then..i stoppped remembering that it was there.. The wise elephant stood guard

Once reminded today I decided to take down the elephant and put it somewhere else I stuck my stuff on the calendar and then realized it wasn't all that bad. And sat down and started working again.

They say An elephant never forgets… I wish I didn't.

Nite all, nite sam



Wednesday night – connected

Last night I did a short blog post about all the folks calling/writing to ask  for advice during these turbulent times at work. today i heard from a bunch of folks who read that here. It reminded me  just how connected we are.  So many of my close friends are folks i work with from all over the world. Even though things are uncertain.. it reminds me  why i love the company .. its like a huge family.. eg. , loving and dysfunctional at times.

nite all, nite sam
