Happy St. Patty’s day everyone.. They say everyone is Irsih today.. and I’m feeling Irish.. even in Poland.
I’m here at the IBM forum in Warsaw.. my talk winet pretty well today.. I met a ton of nice folks.. Ibmers and clients.. a good day
exciting events.. I’m guess about 800 folks.. .. lots of cool talks.. and realllllllllly amazing lighting and music !
Tese are pre
after client meetings, i had some meetings with the press.. then headed to the Polish-Japanese Institute of Technology fror a talk…and a meeting with the faculty. A great place for Big Data research. Hope we can get soem joint projects going with them.
note the rainbow !
Then back to the hotel for a few hours of work meetings.. then a great dinner in Warsaw old town.. It was one of the guys parents restaurant.. really great.. food and liter size beers ! (only had room for 1 !)
OK.. time for bed.. Happy st patty’s everyone !
nite all. nite sam !