Okay got one more thing to cross off the life goal list. I've always wanted to be able to write iPhone and iPad apps and now I can …sorta… At least i know how to get other people to write apps for me. LOL. this week I was able to get three apps done that I hope to have for a conference next week. Each one with big help From friends.
The first was written by my friends joshua and belinda in RTP. Its written in worklight … It uses Meeta's wearable fitness apis she built for our hackathon to extract data from my fitbit. It then displays it as a sexy graph vs everyone elses data (note my hyperactivity). All i did on this one is deploy it to my iphoen and ipad using devlopment. Certificates i bought from apple..cool !
The second is the heart beat detector i created with huge help from good friend John S which i described last weekend ( my contribution.. Stare over his sholder and fetch john a beer)
This flow uses an optical pulse detector linked to an RFDuino. That links by bluetooth low energy to my Xcode iphone app.. Which sends the the pulse on by way of MQTT to a broker in canada, which communicates via wifi to a raspberry pi, where some python code coverts it into lights .. The result is a string of very bright LEDs that blink to my heart rate
The third one was done as a big ask to my friend Nick P. He created an iphone app in xcode that links to a . TI sensor tag by way of bluetooth low energy.. Then ships that data up to MQTT.. Teh result is a pretty cool hand held acceleraometer, etc..