Thursday night – Marquez

Got home around midnight to hear that the writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez had died at age 87. Like many high school students I fell in love with marquezs magic realism. I remember reading hundred years of solitude. It was like a right of passage. Like reading Carlos Castaneda or Hermann Hesse or Jack Carol wack. I remember thinking we were different for reading those books… Just like all my friends. LOL.


But Marquez was special. He wrote about things that were almost there. I didn't learn the term magic realism until many years later but I remember that reading Marquez reminded me of my own personal experience of wondering whether there was something completely different reality just underneath the reality we experienced.

I remember how deep that felt reading his books.… Then I remember laughing at myself for thinking it was so deep… Now here I am again thinking it was deep. That's magic realism.

I think I read everything he ever wrote… At least every novel. I can't even remember my favorites now. I remember reading hojascuras (leaf storms) using my faulty high school Spanish… And still getting it. I think that book might be within 10 feet of me right now. I loved his interpretation of crazy old men in books like autumn of the patriarch. And no one writes to the colonel .. Especially now that I am aspiring to be a crazy old man. Or at least approximating one

We need I heard that he died… The first thing that came to my mind was the movie here erindira that he wrote back in the 80's. I remember it was so surreal. Here's a scene I found on YouTube. It reminds me of his writing


Here's to you Mr. Marquez. The guy that big me realize that you get to choose your own reality.
Night all, night Sam
– Me


Wednesday night – palindrome week !

Diane just reminded me that we're In the middle of palindrome week.! The dates this week are all symmetrical. That's pretty sweet!

I guess it's not all that rare in the scheme of things… But it's nice just the same. Have always been partial to palindromes. I almost named my Graduate research ' palindrome' but ended up changing my mind when everything didn't end up having to be symmetric.

We have a book somewhere in this house about palindromes. I wish I could remember them all: here's a couple I do remember

  • Go hang a salami I'm a lasagna hog.
  • Able was I ere i saw elba
  • A man a plan a canal Panama.
  • Or them more ambitious : A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal-Panama!

Or my new favorite

Are we not pure? “No sir!” Panama’s moody Noriega brags. “It is garbage!” Irony dooms a man; a prisoner up to new era.




Are we not drawn onward to new era?


Nite all, nit sam


Tuesday night – wintery mix

We are in the midst of a wintery mix. (Dinae thinks thats a greta name for a ben and jerry's flavor !) . Its about 40 degrees 'cooler' than it was last night.. Its been raining all day.. An is now snowing pretty hard. There is massive flooding all over.. So bad that some roads are closed whcih caused the school to postpone the Mr. cougar night that gabe was doing tonight.bummer !

Itll beinteresting ro see how high the water rises tonight..

All the betterfor swimming.. Heres tom's answer to our challenge

I hear jack wen in too


Will you ? If so.. Send me proof !


Nite all, nite sam,


Monday night – parting the waters

Hag sameach everyone. Tonight is the start of  Pesach,( Passover) .. and this year, i’m basically passing it over.  I am finding myself less and less attached to  organized religion the older I get..   I did eat some gefilte fish and matzoh which gave me some sense of attachment to the tribe..

Still Peasach is something that goes deep in my soul.. its a celebration of  reinvention .. a powerful theme in my life.. ..   We are taught to take it personally ..   exodus from Mitzrahim was something that was done for each of us.. not just for our ancestors ..

It is for the sake of this that Hashem did for me when I left Egypt. For me and not for him. If he was there he would not have been redeemed


Well. i did do something in observation.. . Like Moses, i parted the Waters / Earlier in the evening, gabe and I got a challenge from Raya and her brother Bear. It’s some sort of internet meme going round that you challenge some friends to jump in the water withing 24 hours of the your challenge.. and they can in tern challenge others.


Gabe and I were not goign to back down from a challenge.. so here we are..  deep in the bull rushes

Happy pesach everyone !

nite all, nite sam
