Sunday night – no, no a thousand times no

I spent the day working.. which isnt as bad as it sounds.. it was actually pretty fun.. I’m not sure why.. maybe because between  coding, web sight clean ups and meetings (yes on sunday) i managed to get most of my email cleaned out.. Doing that meant saying ‘no’ to a bunch of cool stuff.. trips, talks, volunteer gigs.. I’m saying no to everything.. and boy does it feel good .. at least for now..

one highlight of the day was a conversations with my baby seeeeester .Mary.. her birthday was yesterday and Theo her youngest decided to get her fake mustaches.. A perfect

gigift for mom..

dontcha think ?


nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – Rut

Rut.. what an interesting word.. it can mean you’re in a dull pattern in your life.. but I’m certainly not.. I think I’d wecome a dull pattern at this point..   Or Rut can me an animal looking to mate (won’t go there)…

but..  I mean ‘Rut’ like a dirt road in spring.. it’s spring .. finally !..

i went downtown to downtown this morning to help some friends at UVM with a programming project, then stooped by Generator..

then went downtown to do a little maintenance on the Floorish sculpture.. People were out like it was mid summer !




It was 60 degrees today and folks were out in shorts and sandals.. it was wonderful to see..   . We went and saw Gabe’s first lacrosse game of the season..   gabes team hadn’t even played a practice game because mmu s field is still a mes of mud over ice. We played south burlington on their artifiial tuurf field (and got creamed) .

but it was SOOOOO nice being outdoors in above freezing temperatures..



there’s still enough snow to put your feet in ..

this evening we went up to Jen and Tim’s..

The roads are getting to be a mess !

we even cooked out

really a perfect spring day..

summer starts monday.. it’s going to be nearly 80 !!!!!


i think i’m ready for it !

nite all. nite sam



Friday night – dorm wall philosophy

I took most of the day off today to go with gabe and Diane on a tour of University of Vermont. It was the admitted students day and gave us trying to decide if he would like to go to UVM. We heard some talks, attended some topic lectures, look at the dorms etc.


It was interesting seeing the place that I'd walked around for over 30 years from a parents perspective. It's really a nice place.I think it would be very happy and very successful there. He's got some choosing to do. We'll see.


I saw a cartoon on the walls of one of the dorm hallways. It really moved me so I wanted to share here. It Really made me stop and think,..



Gotta think about that

Nite all, nite sam



Ps I lost my Fitbit this morning and was worried That is fallen off during my run this morning. When I got home this afternoon I tried looking forward in the laundry and in my bed but no luck. I picked up my phone and realized that my phone was still able to communicate with the device but just barely. I looked everywhere was about to give up when I had an idea. I brought up a program I've used to debug Bluetooth connections. I walked around the house until I could find the radio on the Fitbit trying to call home. I walked around looking at whether the signal got stronger or weaker.



I thought it was upstairs but nope, the signal was stronger downstairs. I went outside… No luck. I came back inside and was looking around and for some reason it kept taking me back over towards the kitchen. How could it have fallen off in the kitchen? Then I saw it

It was in the sink drain. Who knows how it got there but hey I was able to find it.



Thursday night – face-to-face

Lawn and very interesting day. Didn't get much sleep last night… But managed to be thinking well today. Note to self: lack of sleep helps stimulate creativity.

After a full day of meetings I had a treat tonight. Three friends from work came out to meet me at the airport . Two of them live in India and I've never met them face-to-face… After many times on the phone together. It was really great hanging out with them getting to know them a little bit. Were all working together on a skunkworks project..lots of fun.. Kind of complicated and mysterious,We got quite a bit done tonight.. It was fun


Okay heading home

Nite all, nite sam
