Nice day today.. Diane and i took a 5 mile run from stage road ..across the VAST trail and back on snipe ireland road.. A bit wet, but really nice and mostly downhill. Is pent most of the day cleaning my shop.. I still have a few days of work.. Before its really usable… More onthat. Tomorrow.
Now Its late and diane is asleep… So i will only tell a quick story.. ..last night i took a quick run on the i ran out i noticed how deep and soft the sand on the trail was..mine were the only tracks i saw.. I turned around at the end and headed back. I immediately noticed the hoof prints of a fairly large deer. I knew they hadnt been there when i had run the trail just minutes before. I realized the deer must still be close.. Just then, this huge deer.. A doe i think.., sprang through the ferns just a few yards ahead of was pretty magical
A sign of some kind ? I need to stay open to magic always
Nite all, nite sam
– me