Wednesday night – nerd day

Enjoying being mid way through vacation. Had a busy day.. First went to see my friend Scott and see the new circuitry hes designed for the solid state Tesla coil Ive been using in my shows. This new design is hopefully going to be more robust. Scott is an amazing maker. Friend Colin was there with us too.. Hes planning on building a big coil at Generator.And he came by to begin learning the ropes from Scott the master…



Later worked with 14 year old fried jasper to fix his homebrew computer.. It had a bad graphics card.. Luckily My  friend Seth was coming out to visit with GF hannah and their friend john. Seth had a spare graphics card which allowed us to get jasper’s computer working … Then we all had dinner


Afterwards we did a little brewing project…


Ok.. Its late.. More tomorrow..

Nite all,nite sam



Tuesday night – least favorite soup

It's my second day of vacation and so far so good. It's hotter than hell here right now.


The temperature said 99° in the car. I don't quite believe it but that would make it the hottest day of year by far

We had yoga tonight and like on all Tuesdays Diane invited the yogis in for dinner. Tonight it was too hot to eat so she made cold soups. She made me Gazpacho, my favorite and her least favorite. You know you married the right women when she'll make your favorite soup even if she doesn't like it. She such a great cook ! She also made cold watermelon soup and basil lemonade… All chilled. It was a colorful and flavorful dinner


We tried to keep cool today the best we could. I spent several hours in my little air-conditioned office… But decided I needed to get away from screens and go out and play. That meant driving around town in an air-conditioned car.:-)


I want my errands I met my friends Michael and COLIN for lunch at lunigs to discuss the project. Ate gazpacho there as well. Then ran into another friend Michael who is building a cool tower for yet another friend Michael. We got a quick tour. Great views.. (And three michaels !)



Then headed over to generator to use their soldering microscopes. I'm making a new hoop and I needed to solder so e very small wires. It Was my first project of generator and felt good. Even had the special capacitor I was looking for.



Did a little bit more late-night making with Gabe. He built the TV be gone. Get all the soldering himself. He's getting good.



Now just settling down in the air condition room to try to sleep. Diana and I dragged the futon in here because it's too hot in the rest of the house. Thank heavens for air-conditioning!
Night, night Sam
– Me