Usually 'malo' meansbad or badly in spanish.. But today it was very good. 23 arrived early in Lima from Cusco then spent the day in Malo Perus with our friends and warm hosts Carlos and Gabbi.
Malo is about an hour south of Lima near the Pacific beach. We had a great time talking and checking outt he scenery o n the way down. We g ot to see the magical 'water sign' . It uses electricity to condense moisture out of the humid air to make pure water for this desert area. Anyone can come up and take some. Seriously. It really never rains here.. But the air is always wet.. Go figure….
Soon after the sign, we drove up to Carlos and Gabbi's. They have a lovely ranch with three horses , a donkey, chickens,cats and dogs,,
This is also where carlso grows the grapes for his pisco operation.. Check out his stash of homemade pisco.. All quebranta grapes gwon on his land. 42% gav.. Wonderful stuff.. Gives me soemthign to aspire to with my own moonshine opearation !
Here are the grape vines that will produce this years batch
We would sample some later.. But first a short horse ride. Carlos insited that i wwear real peruvian headware to keep my gringo head from burning off in the near equatorial sun.
Then it was out to see the horses.. First we played with their 1 year old
Then Carlos and his freind set up Asia, for me to ride.. And carlos and i took off
I enjoyed riding Asia.. She knew i had no idea what i was doing, and didnt car.e
.. Carlos and i rode out a ways then met up with a group of his horrse friends : patti, pattis daughter, edger, jose. Luise, and marielle .. They followed us back to Carlos and gabis for more pisco tasting !
We also tried carlos and gabis flavored piscos including thie aji (hot pepper) one.. Yum !
Then all the freinds rode off.. Only to call us an hour or so later to tell us they were going out for chifa (peruvian chniese food).. In Malo So we met them there…
From there we were invited. To go to Jose Luis and Mrielle's to sample. Their Coca flavored Pisco.. Who could say know to that ?!
Jose Luis and Marielle have a really wonderful ranch in Malo just up from the beach.. Here
S Jose aluis showing us the inca ruin on the hill.. You can also see the 'bocaton' window in the rock that gives its name to Jose Luis's excellent pisco.
Heres the pisco with coca..
And heres some powdered coca that the family uses for various medicinal purposes.
Then we toured the pisco operation
It was so nice hanging out with these two wonderful families..
Jose luis even set off a bottle rocket very much like the ones that gabe and i made.. A man truly after my own heart !
By then it was 6!and we had to head back up to lika.. First a quick trip to the beach to stick my feet in the pacific
Then another fun hour drive back in.. A quick stop at carlos and gabbos.. For a tast of chcha.. The purple drink made from corn and pineapple rinds..
Then a quick stop at the hotel for us to change.. And then to Honzo, a great peruvian sushi fusion place .
There we met up,with my freinds rick, jessica and daniel for an amazing japonese peruvian (or was it peruvian japonese) dinner ..
Then it was time to go.. We said good bye to all of our freinds .. And headed in to the hotel.. Diane and i are now sitting in the lobby as i try to post this..
Tomorrow is our 28th happy to be spending it together with my love here in peru…
More tomorrow
Nite all, nite sam