Sunday night – elemental

you can learn so much by taking a shower.   I had chills again tonight so I took a long, hot shower in the ‘kids’ bathroom. We have a very cool and very vinyl-y periodic table shower curtin

.. Did you know that there are 13  elements that only have 1 letter names ?  Check them all out..

Other good things I noticed.. there are 12 elements who’s letters are symmetric when written top to bottom.   Curiously.. soem of them have two letters. .. Let’s hear it for Holonium !  Highest two letter symmetric elements

good things to ponder..

nite all. nite sam


Saturday night – PDAH

Perfect day at home.. Woke up well rested at 7:30 by a dog wanting to play.. I had absolutely nothing on my mind.. what a wonderful thought.. or non-thought that was.. I spent the day hanging round the house, hanging our with max and gabe , scratching the dogs, faling asleep by the fire. and enjoying the view of the nice blanket of snow,

Max and I started working on a cool drumming project he’s had going.. wrote some code for that.




. went for a run..


and did not think about work much at all.. just what i needed..


As an extension to my work too hard, do fine, then wonder why I worked so hard pattern i discussed last night.. I must add a standard extension.. I’m now sick.. by dinner time I had a high fever and chills.. .. but managed to chase that out of me with advil and a hot shower.. Felt good enough for nice suushi dinner with the family.. (questionable from a public health angle, I realize).. but I needed to be with family..


now goign to get soem sleep

nite all. nite sam



Friday night – prepared

Today  went well.  had a big meeting that was many weeks in the making.. not all the folks we expected were able to attend.. but  we had enough of the right folks. and we were still able to stand and deliver.. and did a pretty good job. It went much  in fact, it went much better than we expected.. and I think we accomplished what needed to be done.   n. I felt good about it.

That said, today was disconcerting in its familiarity.. a Classic pattern of mine .. phase 1: worry, stress, procrastinate, worry practice, stress, worry, worry,, stress practice some more…phase 2: phase 3:  event goes fine.. then beat self up for worrying so much, then forget it ever happened .. rinse, lather, repeat…

one thing that was different.. i reached out to several friends to help them remind me that I was not goign to forget how much i did not enjoy phase 1..  gotta doing something to really change that pattern.. it’s not worth the wear and tear on my life . my body my family and my friends..

thanks to everyone for their support and tolerance over the past few weeks.. now.. let’s start thinking about those changes..

nite all. nite sam
