I had a great opportunity today to help IBM with a social networking campaign they are working on.. it’s all about the concept of Play.. and it came along in parallel with and in harmony with my own focus on the subject. The campaign is on IBM’s Tumblr channel.. IBMblr. Today I was helping ntroduce the Play Machine.. A very cool physical computing machine created by makers Jeff and Rajeet. The device is hooked to statistics from the IBMblr site using the Tumblr API’s and some cool IBM technology including our SoftLayer Cloud, MQLite and NodeRed.

When someone ‘likes’ one of our pages on IBMblr .. the machine drops a few kernels of of popcorn are released down a chute into the path of a heat gun which causes them to pop !

When someone ‘shares’ one of the links on IBMblr a globe spins around and aims a laser on the location of the IP address they shared from !

if someone ‘reblogs’ one of the links on IBMblr then this crazy machine chops at itself with a sharpened (really, really sharp !) Adze..

and finally, if someone ‘follows’ us at IBMblr their Tumblr screen name is printed on one of these 6 retro thermal printers..

You can watch the machine here .. It’s really cool to try and one of those links and watch the video feed.
I also really enjoyed working with the Ogilvy folks who re working on the program.. they have all become good friends..

also appreciated the time with my friend Kevin from Astor place…

OK.. heading home now.. more later.
nite all, nite sam