Friday night – cornonal mass ejection

What better way to end the week with a major geomagnetic storm. Our Sun has been really busy this week with two major explosions in the last two days. Lots of dire predictions about power failures and communications disruptions out there..  but there’s promise of tonight of a good chance to see the Aurora

Wouldn’t it be great if our own temper tantrums caused great beauty at a distance ? Maybe they do ?



nite all, nite sam


Thursday night – the power of symbols

I woke in a strange bed this morning.. not that strange, really. Diane and I slept in Gabe’s bed because she’d just finished doing a wonderful paint ob of our room…and it was still drying. It was fin falling asleep in the room I slept in for many years before kids….. It had also been Max’s room, then sams room.. then gab’s room.

i woke disoriented though.. where was I .. I saw the spiral on the ceiling..

Sam and Diane pained that just before he died.. it was a portal to another world we decided..

THursday night - the power of symbols

the rest of the stuff in the room was all gabe..s



. he also had some tribute stuff.. .. .. he had his brothers lacrosse jerseys


and a bunch of stuff from our friend Dylan..


it took me awile to process as I was waking up.. it felt good to be lying in there among all my kids’ things..


then I wnet to work today. A freind of mine was in from texas to give a talk.. and I wanted to see it.. as I was walkign up the stairs, i noticed hte fflags were at half mast…

why ?!?!


ah.. Spet 11.. how could I forget.. again the power of symbols.



my favorite symbol of the day was much more subtle.. as I was walkign out of a meeting.. i realized that I’d met diane on these staires almost exactly 32 years ago…


now that’s a symbol i like !


nite all. nite sam





Tuesday night – remember who you wanted to be

Just realized that i saw the same bumper sticker on two different cars this week… And its a good one.


Ive Not known many bumber stickers who burrowed into my conciousness like that one has..

Been thinking of it for the last couple of days. After doing some careful remembering I've come to the conclusion that i am exactly who i wanted to be…

Thank you random motorists for reminding me 🙂

Nite all., nite sam



Ps. Nice super cloudy moon !