I woke in a strange bed this morning.. not that strange, really. Diane and I slept in Gabe’s bed because she’d just finished doing a wonderful paint ob of our room…and it was still drying. It was fin falling asleep in the room I slept in for many years before kids….. It had also been Max’s room, then sams room.. then gab’s room.
i woke disoriented though.. where was I .. I saw the spiral on the ceiling..
Sam and Diane pained that just before he died.. it was a portal to another world we decided..

the rest of the stuff in the room was all gabe..s

. he also had some tribute stuff.. .. .. he had his brothers lacrosse jerseys

and a bunch of stuff from our friend Dylan..

it took me awile to process as I was waking up.. it felt good to be lying in there among all my kids’ things..
then I wnet to work today. A freind of mine was in from texas to give a talk.. and I wanted to see it.. as I was walkign up the stairs, i noticed hte fflags were at half mast…
why ?!?!
ah.. Spet 11.. how could I forget.. again the power of symbols.

my favorite symbol of the day was much more subtle.. as I was walkign out of a meeting.. i realized that I’d met diane on these staires almost exactly 32 years ago…

now that’s a symbol i like !
nite all. nite sam