THursday night – Cikadas

It’s too bad you can’t hear this tree like I did.

THursday night - Cikadas


I’m in Washington DC .. its 87 degrees at night.. Walking down the streets I heard a sound that meant summer to me as a kid, an earsplitting, hypnotic buzzing from every tree… the sound so loud and penetrating that i thought it might split my head  head.. it dipped and pulsed like some weird Buddhist chant. I remember listening as a kid.  The hotter and more sultry the night, the louder they were .. as I walked, the chorus hopped from tree to tree as it followed me as I smiled and sweated up the street


nite all, nite sam



Wednesday night – my parents bed

I'm lying in my parents bed, and my parents house. My mom is in Minnesota visiting my sister and my dad is…… Well, my dad is no longer on this planet

I'm staying in my parents house with two of my friends, my friend Shmuel from Israel and my friend Tamer from New York. We had an impromptu meeting at a Mexican restaurant tonight. We all have a common interest that we completely ignored for the sake of having a good time. We exchanged stories about families, hobbies, diapers, hobbies… (Did I already say hobbies?) and crazy get rich quick schemes. It was wonderful hanging out with this very diverse group of people. All of which i count is good friends.


I was a little nervous about staying at my parents house for the first time since my dad died. As it turns out, it's really nice here. I miss my dad… At the same time I feel okay about it. I went in and rated his liquor cabinet and finished off a nearly empty bottle of tequila in his honor. That felt like the right thing to do.


I love you mom, miss you dad and love you too.
That's all for today… I have a 5:30 AM meeting and an early morning flight.
Happy and exhausted
Night, night Sam
– Me


Tuesday night – easing back in

Feeling a little overwhelmed as i transition from vacation mode back to work.. nothing unusual.. just lots of work backlog, email, etc

It’s making me wish I was back in Peru drinking Pisco.

three nice things today .. My buddy Chris from Boston was up in Burlington on vacation with his wife robin and they dropped by.

.. and then Dianes wonderful relaxing yoga class tonight with our friends .. and after that, diane’s great gazpacho made from our  home grown tomatoes.

Guess it’s not so bad being back 🙂


nite all. nite sam


Monday night – Labor day

Home at last after a really wonderful vacation with my girl.

Hannah and Deb picked us up at the airport which was so nice.. they’d take care of the dogs and the house for us, which we appreciate so much .

Peru was spectacular.. and so is Vermont. I breath a sigh of relief every-time I come back here after being on the road.

In the spirit of labor day.. we didn’t do much today.. I ended up taking a 4 hour nap. i lay down and closed my eyes and before I knew it it was 5PM..   I did manage to get out for a run, which I really needed

Tonight we went in and picked up Gabe, and Raya and Gabem ‘his roommate Tupper and Tupper’s gf Carley. This was our first time meeting Tupper and Carly.. they are really great. I’m so glad to see Gabe settlign in with good freinds and a good setup at school. I love beeing able to see him at least every couple of weeks.

Here is his dorm set up.. pretty sweet or a small room.


ok.. time for bed.. got lots to catch up on  in theis coming week !

nite all, nite sam
