Well.. today was the day. Gabe is officially off at college. Well.. actually a pre-college TREK . ..It;s a day I imagined on the day Gabe was born…. and for the first time in 26 years, we have no kids living at home.. feels.. weird.. but feels good too.
Gabe will spend a week canoeing in the Adirondack’s then return to UVM in time for classes to start the week after next. He’s really excited about TREK and about School.. and so are we.. Gabe has done a great job getting ready for scholo.. so there was little to do today but roll out of bed and drive away in the two packed cars..

It was great moving Gabe in as part of TREK. .. there were only about 170 kids doign trek.. so it was easy to get around campus and get to Gabes dorm room. If it hadn’t been for TREK, he’d be moving in with all the Freshmen on Friday of next week.. and it would have been pretty zooey !

check-in for trek involved gabe having to unpack and repack his stuff. he had all the right stuff. His team was number 17.. ‘canoes team assemble’.. an homage to ron burgundy.

then it was off to unload gabes stuff to his dorm room. It’s a nice small room on the first floor of Wills . Super central.. bright and clean. We all liked it.

First order of business was to change up the bed to be up high so he could put his desk underneath.. which was hard work.

Then it was back to the Davis center for the TREK sendo -off.. we got to see the route Gabes team would take (down around long lake)

then we gathered for the send off meeting. Kevin was one of the folsk helping organize the meeting

in came the TREK counselors,. SOme were leadign hiking trips, others kayaking, others cycling and others canoing.. Nice that these kids would cvolunteer their time to hep kids like gabe have an cool experience like TREK to start their college years. 
Soon it was over.. and Gabe and the others said good bye.. .and in an instant, he’s a college kid. I ‘m so proud of him !.. i’m so excited for him too.. I love that kid so much !

THen Diane and I walked out pf the building and started the next phase of our lives.. just like that.. !

Diane and I spent the rest of the day getting readyfor our own version of TREK. We’re goign to Peru… We did take tiem tfor a quick walk up Libbys lookout..

ok.. gotta get soem sleep. More tomorrow from our very quiet (but still very busy) house !
nite all. nite sam