Tuesday night – VoMIT meeting

Tonight was our summer board meeting for VoMIT, Vermont’s Own MIT club.. My friends Jeff and Biz generously  hosted and fed us.. It was very nice getting together.   In honor of our visit, they even broke out their best MIT china. THese are from the 1930’s and show various MIT buildings.. how cool is that ?


here’s the campus from above..


Building 10 from the great court


and the presidents house.

the order of business tonight was pretty simple.. 1) say a fond and sad goodbye to one of our founding members George. He and his wife are moving to Pasadena California  as she recovers from a stroke she had late last year. We will miss them ..



The 2nd order of business was to fold, tape and stamp 350 invitations to the VOMIT summer Cookout on July 20th at Waterbury reservoir.. .. At least all that fancy education prepared us for something hands on like this. It was delightfully bring and thought free which gave us all time to catch up…

so nice to see everyone..


ok.. gotta sleep.. more tomorrow !  Nite all. nite sam


Monday night – specs

I’m seeing the world differently tonight… and I mean that most literally. . I picked up my new hi-tech glasses this afternoon. They are titanium, super light weight and more or less bulletproof. I’m always working with tools and several times over the years my glasses have saved my sight. I always were safety glasses.. but hey.. you never know.

I htink im goign to like these.. they are a little stronger than my last pair.. and .. I’m happy to say.. just as unfashionable… I shopped around for a long time dodging fashionable 20 somethings trying to get me into something square or heavy rimmed.   I finally found someone who understood what I meant when I said    I was goign for Dumbledoor  🙂


I am the kind of guy that worries that my old glasses feelings will be hurt.. so I will take a picture of them as well.. Thanks for your service guys.. you’ve helped me see  (if not think) clearly for several years…

FWIW.. these are an engineering marvel…. the frames are titanium .. they are so light i can hardly feel them.. and they’re blended trifocals.  I’m a mix of farsighted and astigmatic.. I can see far away.. but cant read anything closer than new hampshire.   With my glasses off, I see double.. which is nice in that I feel less lonely.. but kind of hard when I’m welding or soldering or something..


The funny thing is .. I didn’t see in good stereo for years..  I only got glasses right before the Colony because I was tired of faking to folks that I could still read.. … Even then, I just used grocery store readers that I wore all the time..   First time I got trifocals I felt I was in a bad 1970’s anti drug movie.. the walls were breathingand the floor was moving…



now I’m sort of used to it..


sort of..


nite all. nite sam


Sunday night – deer

Nice day today.. Diane and i took a 5 mile run from stage road ..across the VAST trail and back on snipe ireland road.. A bit wet, but really nice and mostly downhill. Is pent most of the day cleaning my shop.. I still have a few days of work.. Before its really usable… More onthat. Tomorrow.

Now Its late and diane is asleep… So i will only tell a quick story.. ..last night i took a quick run on the rivershore..as i ran out i noticed how deep and soft the sand on the trail was..mine were the only tracks i saw.. I turned around at the end and headed back. I immediately noticed the hoof prints of a fairly large deer. I knew they hadnt been there when i had run the trail just minutes before. I realized the deer must still be close.. Just then, this huge deer.. A doe i think.., sprang through the ferns just a few yards ahead of me..it was pretty magical

A sign of some kind ? I need to stay open to magic always

Nite all, nite sam

– me


Saturday night – plan c

Sitting alone after a long day that didn't work out exactly as planned. I had the whole day to myself.. One of those rare days where I didn't have anything to do for anyone else. .. it seems to happen about 3 times a year. I used it to catch up. First I went to generator and fixed the webcam there.. then I went to Firehouse gallery and restarted floorish with the help of my friends Colin and john.. then I went to Chris's to help him prep for his solstice burn (happy solstice).


This was Chris's 14th burn.. my job for tonight was pretty simple. I was to have provided the simple electronic ignition to make the sun go off in Helios's hand.. We went there this morning and tried it out.. everything worked fine..

the trouble is.. tonight.. noting worked….


Plan A was to use a fancy electronic igniteors that I made to ignite the sun in Helios's hand.. that didn't work.. no idea why… despite a full dry run.. .. Plan B was to light a backup fuse that should have lit the hand.. that also didnt work.. Plan C we made up on the spot.. we had the fire breathers blow fire on the guys body.. that worked great and looked great..


No one watching would have known anything had gone wrong.. but I was left wondering how both plan a and b had gone so wrong.. gotta meditate on that,



It was beutiful and OH -so frustrating.. no one knew it didin't work as planned but i did..


need to learn how to weather those defeats better


might all, nite sam
