Tuesday night – Happy birthday Diane !

Today is sweet Diane’s birthday..sHappy birthday my love !

We celebrated by taking a hike  with Ma at lunch…    we ended up trailing a pair of deer as they tried to find a way over the snow into the woods..



we hiked up through the packed down snow to the top of libby’s lookout..


later, after yoga, we had a nice little party..  really nice

happy birthday my girl !

nite all, nite sam


Monday night – fire in the belly

I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed these days with work.. not sure why.. but.. need to get some space in my life.. any ideas ?

Managed to have two full days packed into today.. diane and I managed to buy a car today (honda crv) ..then we met the boys for dinner..

afterwards, Diane, Gabe and I went to the admitted student mixr at UVM.. Gabe is considering uvm.. and i gotta say we were impressed tonight..


from there we stopped by chris and kims for a little fire spinnig (here’s gabe with his rope dart)


and fire breathing (Max with a mouthfull of paraffin .. )..( Please dont try this unless you’ve had training)

now.. sleep beackons.. more tomorrow (diane’s birthday !)

nite all, nite sam



Sunday night – catch up

Max is in town as a surprise for Diane’s birthday.. YEAH !

OK.. as promised.. catching up on some pictures here !

First.. Friday nights Mike Gordon concert at House of Blues in Boston was excellent. I went with my friends and partners in crime.. Colin and John who worked with me on the EEL (Aka BIG).. along with Homer who did the mechanicals. .. the crazy touch sensitive keyboard for Mike Gordon’s band..



The band was in their 18th show in a cross country tour. They sounded great and fresh. The music was fantastic.. and the ‘look’ of the stage that Mike was after using simple Moire patterns and cool lighting effect really, really worked. It was so great seeing his ideas made real and working so beautifully .. You can read about it in Wired here


Here are greg, rachel and liggy workign light and sound


love those Moire light boxes.. so simple and so cool


the wireless DMX light up bass and guitar where the hit of the effects in my opinion.. so beautiful


I was there to see the EEL.. it had taken us way to long to build.. but it looked good and worked great..




More of the eel from john cohn on Vimeo.

It was so great seeing folks enjoy the show.. and enjoy the lights.. it was great closure on a long , hard project



i got to my folks around 2:30 AM and hung out with my mom for a while. .then slept about 3 hours.. too much on my mind

next day.. i drove Colin to concord.. and drove straight home to pick up diane  in time for the Generator opening ..

That was amazing too !

we made it there about 5.. and it was packed !. More than 850 people came for the opening !

fastgenopen2 from john cohn on Vimeo.


THere were so many great people threre.. I was exhausted.. but loved talkign to everyone. so many ideas.. so much potential.. so much still to do !!!!


we had plenty of grilled cheese and sopup for the folks who came


my two young freinds even made a hat like mine !!!


Gabe and raya checkign ou the laser cutter an vynly cutter

by 8 the place was quieting down.. and Diane and I moved on to our next venue.. Higher ground for the tinariwin show.   If you havent seen them, you may want to check them out. They are blues players from Mali.. just amazing musicians..


ok.. I cant type anymore.. its late and I need to sleep

at least im caught up with pictures

nite all, nite sam


Saturday night – backlog

Okay, I know I really can't get away with this two nights in a row… But. I just can't stay awake long enough to post pictures from all the stuff that's happened in the last two days. I've had three hours asleep in the last 36 hours and I think I'm seeing things now.

I promise, promise, promise I will put in pictures from the hiuse of blues concert last night, the visit to my parents, the wonderful generator opening… And the amazing Tinawerin show I just came from with Diane. Please bear with me. I hope you all sleep well

Nite all, nite sam
