Wednesday night – road trip

Greetings from a Rent-A-Car on i 91 just south of Vermont border. My flight from Lagardia to Burlington was canceled this afternoon because the flight before couldn't land. We're expecting as much as 2 feet of snow. The good news is though Is that my friends Deb and Wendy Were on thatsame flight. We were able to get the last four-wheel-drive rental out of Avis and got on the road pretty quickly. It's about 7:25 and we're just about to enter the snow. If we make it tonight it'll be a long slow drive.… Or will stop somewhere along the way. We will see..



Fun day today though. I was an event in Yorktown to celebrate the international day of women. (March 8) . It was an extended panel discussion with 6 other folks… All of them women ! I was honored to be among them.. It was broadcast pretty widely and were able to interact with folks via twitter which was fun. We also had some folks present in short video clips. The hilight of the event for me was listening to my friend Romellia's daughter Christina talk about her i t ernship at ibm.. She's a senior in college and had such great insights.


There was another great birthday today.. Its the 25th aniversary of the internet ! Happy birthday Interweb..

Ok.. The rain has stopped for a bit.. Here we go !

-nite all, nite sam



Tuesday night – Oh Atlanta

Greetings from just over Atlanta. Spent the day there in a very good meeting.. it’s funny to be here as Gabe came through here this morning too on his way home. He had a good trip to Portland.. eager to hear about it when I get home.

I really love this city.. it’s quite different than the Atalanta I remember as a kid. My dad is from Elberton GA.. so the place has always felt a little like home.. even though Elberton is quite far from here. I remember visiting underground atlanta.. and hearing stories about lester mattox.. I remember hearing Atlanta’s mayor young talking about Avignon to role the windows up when you drove down town..

Now it’s a high tech mecca.. I love walking around GA tech and seeing all the start ups. theyve got a great emtro system, a makerfaire.. nice architecture.. i think i could live here if it was 30 degrees cooler !

the song ‘Oh Atlanta’ has been on a loop in my head all day.. .. that is until i realize that I knwo two songs with that name.. and they’re as differnt as can be..

there’s the Alison Krause one..


and the Little Feat one..

They’re both old sweet songs.. and I got Georgia on my mind !
nite al. nite sam

Monday night – Flu shot

Stayed up past 1 AM last night working.. and had a call at 7 (i thought).. didn’t really sleep much last night.. lines of code goign through my head. .. which is kinda nice.. at least its technical stuff..

Still I managed to be alert all day and worked like an animal until about 5.. I then realized I had just enough time to send off some spare parts for mikes crazy keyboard contraption. THe tought thing is finding out where the band is goign to be long enough for me to get them with overnight mail. I made the UPS place with 5 min to spare…. ..

It feltgood to be out of the house.. SO I was thinking about else can i could do at 6pm at night ..  the most fun I could come up with was to get a Flu shot.. I knwo the season’s already over.. but.. I was feelign kinda left out..

so I stopped in the drug store, rolled up my sleeve… and ‘ouch’…  i’m now part of the clu.. . Whats it say abotu e that getign a flu shot was the high point of my day 🙂 ?

Sunday night – old data

Yikes.. just saw it was nearly 1 AM and I’m still working. didn’t mean to do that..

My day started at 4am when I took Gabe to the airport for his trip to Portland. He’s out there visiting Lewis and Clark college..  Sounds like he’s enjoying his visit so far…we’ve enjoyed his txts from out there.. including seeing a huge line at Voodoo doughnuts. a PDX must see..

I  got home and caught a few more hours of sleep. I had most of the day to myself which was wonderful .

I puttered around the house. Finished a few long overdue electronics projects. took a  great run out in the woods with the dogs.. and basically chilled out..


hmmm.. not much else to report.. other than I did soem data clean up today at work.. It turns out we were stll beig charged for data I had sitting around since the 1990’s.. or maybe even before. I no longer even ne how to long on to the machines where the data lived..


for about 3 seconds i contemplated finding the arcane spell that would reinstate my passowrds and let me rifle through the gigabytes of gunk from another millennia.. but then… i relized.. that it was like an attic..

and things are never supposed to come out of attics.. just go in.. so I did the data equivalent of lighting a match and tossed it in .. and deleted all that old stuff..


is it ‘what I don’t know… can’t hurt me ? ‘.. no.. it’s not like that.. it’s more  like if I don’t know it.. it can’t exist.. ?  or something like that..

reminds me of one of my favorite billy collins poems.. I’ve used it here many times.. but here it is again


nite all, nite sam