Sunday night – international afternoon

I often forget how close we are to another country. gabe has been up in st anne quebec at a ski/snowboarding trip oganized by concordia. Diane and left here around 1 and were walking aound Montreal just over 2 hours later.

Our plan was to check out the modern art museum whih i ha never seen. I ha thought it was open until 6 ..but learned when we got there it was only open 'till 5 today.. No problem.. We had a great walk through of the museums really fine modern and early 20th century art. It was so fun and peaceful walking through the spacious and almost empty galleries an looking at all that great art.



We got kicked out at 5 which suited me.. I was starvin. We found a. Really nice lebanese place 'garage beruit'

I had been hankering for stuffed grabe leaves (which i learned this evening are called 'warak enab' in lebanaon .. Not dolma) for weeks and this meal srathed that itch..

We finished our meal around seven and still had about an hour to kill so we wandered around that cold and windy city . We ducked into a bookstore is sitting on the floor and reading travel books until gabe's bus was near town.

As it happened, 4 hours before we wre luky int hat we had parked our car right around the corner from the concordia student center where the bus was to arrive … The kids were just pulling up as we rounded the corner.


2 hours later were back at home.. Preparing for anothr artic vortex..

Ok.. New week beginning, better get some sleep.

-night all,night sam



Saturday night – Lisa P

this mornign I was thumbing through a n issue of Technology Review, my college’s magazine. The magazine is for sale . but In the edition for Alums theres also a section that keeps tabs on former alums. I tuned to 1981 expecting to see the same short paragraph asking for more input from my class. This time there was a long entry.. I read and was shocked and saddened to see the obit of my friend Lisa P.  She’d dies in August after years of living with breast cancer

Lisa lived in the girls dorm McCormick where I went every wed and/or thursday night to work on Course VI (electrical engineering)  problem sets..  I have so many memories of working there till almost sunup on problem sets for  6.011, 6.012, 6.013 . 6.014, 6.015  She was in Course III (material science) . but she still hung out with us nerds. Lisa was bright and funny nd an excellent musician.. .. I remember her once belting out a Katchturian sonata on the old piano in our dorm.  (Lisa grew up as an armenian maerican… and loved anything to do wiht Armenia)

As I read her obit I learned that she’d gotten into Juliard as well as MIT .. and might have been a concert pianist instead of  what she became which was an expert in molecular beam epitaxy.   It was nice and sad reading about her life since school, she went off to work, got a PhD, met the love of her life Scott while taking flying lessons, , adopted twin girls from Romania…met her birth mother, traveled the world. gave talks, kept in touch with friends…… and developed breast cancer. which she lived wiht for many years before dying last august.

Her husband made a nice video of Lisa life.. she looked happy. In that vid was this picture

Lisa is in the center, over her on her left is nancy, to her left is jenny, below jenny is hiedi,, to heidie’s left is lauren , to lernd left is marie, to maries right is mary (i think) and to lisas right is wizzy, i think..   I haven’t seen any of them in 33 years.. but I think of them whenever I see maxwells equations.  I have no idea what any of them are up to now.. but After reading about Lisa’s life and watching that video, I felt a real need to connect with all those folks.. I’ve been searching them out on linked in and facebook today .. just to reconnect…   not urgently.. just seems like the right time to try…

my thoughts are with lisa and her family..

night all, night sam



Friday night – Ozymandias

“I met a traveller from an antique land…” so beings the sonnet Ozymandias by Percy Shelly in 1818. ..    For some reason. this poem has been coming into my life this week. First in a short story  i was reading last night, then in a flash back to one of the most outrageously awfully wonderful Breaking Bad episodes by that same name. (you know when you know who shoots those other guys .. (no spoilers here) )

Like all good students of poetry.. i knew that the poem was written by Shelly .. but haven’t looked at it since.. what.. ? High school maybe

I learned from Wikipedia today that The poem Ozymandias was written as part of a small competition between Shelley and his friend Horace Smith..  That’s pretty interesting because if memory serves me, Shelly’s wife Mary wrote her masterwork Frankenstein as a competition as well..Competitive lot those Shelly’s

Anyway, both Shelley and Smith  agreed to write a poem about the find of  a large broken  staue of Ramses II (aka Ozymandias) in the Egyptian desert a few years earlier   All that was found were the statues legs sticking out of the barren dessert , and its broken  and vandalized torso and head lying face down nearby. . The existing fragments were soon to arrive in London for the British Museum.. ;    Heres whats left of it


The inscription on the base of the statue was translated as :

King of Kings am I, Osymandias. If anyone should like to know my grandeur and reach of stature, let him surpass any of my achievements

Here’s what Shelly wrote about the statue and the quote

I.met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

and here’s what smith wrote

IN Egypt’s sandy silence, all alone,
Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws
The only shadow that the Desert knows:—
“I am great OZYMANDIAS,” saith the stone,
“The King of Kings; this mighty City shows
“The wonders of my hand.”— The City’s gone,—
Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose
The site of this forgotten Babylon.

We wonder,—and some Hunter may express
Wonder like ours, when thro’ the wilderness
Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace,
He meets some fragment huge, and stops to guess
What powerful but unrecorded race
Once dwelt in that annihilated place.

Dunno which one i like best.. history has chosen Shellys as the one that survived.. so who am i to argue.

Folks say that shelly was writing about the immortality of art…  I think its more about our own mortality..   ie. nothing we do ultimately matters that much..

I’ve been thinking about mortality alot  lately .. not my own so much.. but just the general concept

kinda makes me want to go and carve a statue or something

night all, night sam



Thursday night – Makerspace donations

A couple of weeks back I asked folk if they had any equipment / furniture that they’d like to donate to the Generator makerspace. Several folks came forward .. thanks so  much for that. We’re now looking for equipment and components to help us round out our electronics shop Our current idea is to ask folks to donate test and design equipment (eg oscilloscopes, volt meters, signal generators, logic analyzers, soldering stations, , etc) .. We will then go through them and keep what we need, and offer the rest for sale at very affordable prices to support the further growth of the electronics part of the makerspace…

soooooo… does anyone out there have any used test or design equipment that they’d be interested in donating ? We;re open to anything that is in good working order and has all of its necessary components,

Please go take a walk through your basement , attic or garage and let me know what you find !

Thanks so much !

nite all, nite sam
