Today was a perfect mid winter day.. it was a ‘balmy’ 15 degrees above zero .. which felt like spring to us at this point. thats 35 degrees warmer than it was 2 nights ago. We headed out mid day in windbreakers and fleece to ski some more of the camel hump nordic area. There’s close to 2 feet of fresh powder out there and it’s finally looking a little more like winter..
we got to the trails and signed in only to see that the two folks who signed in just before us were our good friends tim and priscilla.. We tried calling them.. but.. no cell coverage.. so we headed up in the hills to see if we could find them..
we got to the top of the first long climb and Miracle of miracles.. there they were.. they’d taken a wrong turn and were retracing.. if we’d been 3 minutes ether way we would have missed each other out in the woods. Instead we had a really nice couple of hours hacking around in the woods with them. We headed up into the engrossed older trails. it was so beautiful .
ok.. gotta sleep now. more tomorrow..
nite all.nite sam