Monday night – happy birthday to me !

Thanks for all the great birthday wishes, everyone !

I had a nice, albeit busy birthday down here filled with phone and infernos meetings. All good stuff..

I do want to make up for being such a poor poster last night. My colony friends and I were all at vlad and edites last night. We wanted to be there for them. It’s been just two weeks since their beautiful daughter Bettina died..

It was a sad and wonderful gathering.. we hadn’t all been together since 2010. I can’t believe how close we all are after all that time.. Vlad was like our emotional center .. and we needed to be there for him and his family .. we all knew it.


Vlad showed us the magnolia that Betinna had gotten for them.. it never flowers in Feb.. just for Bettina ..


The house was as full and interesting as I remember it. The pool table was still covered with flowers and pictures



Amy, Vlad and I took advantage of the slow afternoon to drive over to 615 anderson.. where we lived


there was an event being filmed there.. so we were actually able to go inside.. not in the main rooms.. but in the yard and entry rooms. It was pretty surreal seeing this place again.. let alone being inside !


It was hard to believe that we’d been in there for more than 10 weeks straight !



from there we went down to the river to the place where we got our water.. how bizzare to wade in that filthy water again !



then it was back to lads.. as the others showed up. It was an amazing evening. unhinge, crying telling stories. It was like old times in some ways…


and in others really not..



my times through the night we toasted Bettina, Vlad, Edite and Ciad



I do love these folks .. amazing.. amazing, amazing evening

I’m heading back east tonight.. but my thoughts are with vlad and his family


nite all, nite sam




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