Thursday night – hacking

Quick note from Rockville… Been working all day on a global cities challenge project with my friends in Montgomery County Maryland. Slow progress but we're making some. Trying to get my head around somebody else's JavaScript… old dog/new tricks


More in the morning

Night all, night Sam








Wednesday night – Happy birthday sweet Diane !

Happy Birthday Diane ! I love you so much..!. You are the best mate a human male type person could ever hope to have. I love you so much.. I respect you so much.. I even like you so much !..


We spent Diane’s  birthday down in Washington DC exploring the town. It was SO much fun hanging out together.. no schedule, no plan..

We took the Metro down to the Mall and just bopped around .


First stop was the Hirschhorn.. it was really wonderful






we even found a few cherry blossoms..


We checked out he museum of the american indian



Then we went to the US botanical gardens (I even took  nap there !)


There was a great exhibit on roots.. look how long these are !!!!

we stopped by to look through a solar telescope.. it hasd a hydrogen alpha filter on it.. check out the coronas



we then took a quick spin through the museum of flight … too many people there for me though.. we headed out pretty quick.. Nice to see the X prize winning SpaceShip One !


then back out on the mall in search of birthday cake !


Past the naval memorial


And finally some cake !


From there.. we took the metro back to rockville…  then a bit later wandered out in search of dinner.. Took this picture of ‘moon over mcdonalds’


We found a great Ethiopian place called she’s.. great vegetarian food !


What a great day…

what a great girl !


I love you so much Diane.. Happy birthday love !


nite all nite sam
