Gabe and I did something fun last night. we camped on one of the sand islands in the Winooski river. We rove about 7 miles upstream from the house, loaded our canoe and took off. The water was really fast, which made for a dn ride
We picked one of the islands that had some flat spots for camping, trees for games hammocks and were high enough to keep us out of the river. The one we chose was one we call Comar island (for cohn mariano).. it’s one that Sam and I once camped on.. (Coma was also the name of my dads marketing company !)
we pulled the conoe out and did a quick survey of the island.. we found this geo-cache !
gabe hacked a way to some trees with his machette
and set up his camping hammock.. very nice !
we then set up the tent for me and began making a fire for dinner.. here’s the Amtrak montrealler coming by to say hi
.. we were just across the river from the tracks
This was the maiden journey for my little electric wood stove.. it has a small fan powered by a rechargeable battery.. it burns twigs.. and gets incredibly hot because of the forced air. the coolest thing is that it has a little peltier device in their that recharges the batter using the heat from the fire. It even lets you recharge your phone from the excess energy.. it took my phone from zero to 50 % .. not bad..
it also buils a pot of water in about 3 minutes !
gabe made our campfire/cookign fire the old fashioned way
after dinner we split a weird soft drink game and diane had found in an oriental grocery.. it had hairy basil seeds.. yum ?!?
we tossed a samstone in the fire just to see what would happen \\\\
next morning .. after a good nights sleep .. we saw that this is what happened.. \\\\\\\\\\
at the crack of 10 AM we broke camp.. \
and headed home for showers..
we had so much fun ourt there. It was great having that quiet time with babe… and with the river..
nite all, nite sam