Just back from Chris and Kim’s AMAZING Zenith solstice burn. We got there about 5 and got to see things when still lit ..
light these cool letters chri made out of strapping
the centerpiece was the mini.. himself
his tornado took a long time to build i hear. Gabel helped !
there was yoga singing and a guy named Kurt doing sacred bowls massage on diane
and on my freind lea
hey.. look at the Weird brothers.. total coincidence !
the stage too was going to burn tonight.there was an amazingly talented musician up there tonight. laying down trans and looping them as he changed instruments. What a fantastic musician !
here’s the view from above
Homer showed up with a new creation.. A sawdust cannon !
Thalia’s dad was in from Israel. Instant friend !
the view at dusk
then came the free dancer
here’s chris putting in the last of the fireworks
and here’s homers sawdust acanon in action.
here goes the light !
the ini burnt like crazy !
what an amazing event..
What amazing peoplechri and kim are for pulling this all together !
gotta sleep,
nite all, nite sam