Sunday night – Thai score

First stop today was Echo to see the results of the national civic day of hacking.. The project this year was data visualization studignes of the Google grant that echo has received for an interactive light up sculpture. There were about 10 folks there in three teams.. they’d made some cool progress !


I wish I had more time to be more active in that project.. it’s coming along nicely !


From there we headed back to the Generator with a bunch of equipment . There was quite a lot gong on there today despite the beautiful weather .. I love going here.. here’s Leif.. planning a big art peice


My good friend Scott is hanging out at generator more and really enjoying it.. I knew that the folks at generator ore really enjoying Scott as well. He’s one of the smarts guys I know and an awesome maker


here’s the rebuild of the solid state tesla col I used to have. Scott has made quite a few cool toys for me to use in my shows


look at this beautiful primary. Scott made most of it on our laser cutter

there were several other clusters of folks there today


On the way home I stopped off to say Hi to Chris.. he’s getting ready for his Zenith Solstice burn which is in just two weeks . Tix are on sale now at this website

Heres some of the burnables !


CHris’s freind Delfina was up from boston.. so we played with a little fire .

got home and did a couple of hours work in the sun


then went up to meet Diane and Gabe at Debs for Thain night part 2. Diane and Gabe were in a cooking class with Stu.. they made a feast. I headed up around 6:30

It was another wonderful gathering there were about 9 cooks including diane and gabe


makings of Pad Thai


pad thai 


porkish stuff


delicious shrimp dumplings 


a surprise happy birthday for Stu and for Gabe !


After dinner, Stu told us more about his mission at Stu and the kids . his charity helps get thai maintain tribe kids prepared for university work or trade school What an inspiring man..  !!!


it was a grwet meal, great conversation.. and inspiring message.. what a great way to spend a Sunday night !


OK, now its late and I need to sleep. More tomorrow


nite all, nite  sam



Saturday night – Spice day

Today was a big day.. we got a new fridge , swaped our old fridge with the back fridge and got rid of the old one. That involved emptying both fridges and shuffling there contents the one thing I can take away from this experience is that we have a whole bunch of hot sauce.. just check out this partial capture of what was in those fridges !


it was a great prelude for the wonderful Thai dinner that we had up at Deb’s tonight. Her (and now our)  friend Stu is visiting from Thailand doing fund raising of his Stu and the Kids .. cause.

Stu is a 42 year old professional Chef who moved to Thailand to help young impoverished kids make it to college and careers. He’s devotion his life to help these kids. i He’s a really nice and inspiring guy.. and what a cook !.


tonight was a fundraiser for the Stu and the Kids program.. we began  with fried quail eggs and progressed to shrimp and pork (not for me) in peanut sauce, veggie curries, noodle dishes, fish in banana leafs and mango with sticky rice. It was really delicious .


the great thing is.. Stu is giving a cooking class tomorrow and Diane and Gabe are going. We get to eat dinner with them all again tomorrow . I can’t wait !! Yum !


note all, note sam



Friday night – Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award

Today was one of those happy sad days where we get to do something in memory of Sam. Every year snicen Sam died we award the Sam Cohn Musical Soul Award at MMU. Anyone can nominate someone for the award.. the only condition is, you can’t nominate yourself. The  idea is to nominate someone who loves music like Sam did.. The winner gets to go to Advanced Music and pick out the Guitar (or other stronger thing) that they love.. electric, acoustic, classical, guitar or bass. The only other condition is that .the instrument is never used to play elton john or billy joel.. tow artists that neither Sam nor I liked very much.. other than that. (and the strings on the instrument) no strings attached..

  Evey year at the MMU awards day, we go in and put all the nominations in a bowl then pick one of them at random.. we do that so Sam can have some say in the selection 🙂 . This year  it was a really nice kid named Jack..


the ceremony only took a few minutes.. but meant so much to us.. Thanks so much to the MMU staff for helping us do this every year..


and thank you Sam for helping out with the choosing.. i think you would like this idea.


nite all, nite sam
