Saturday night – feel the Bern !

Last night I had the privilege to sit next to Bernie Sanders and his wife on the flight back to Burlington. I’ve run in to him before on these flights. but this time was different. He is candidate Sanders. I gotta say I am so proud of this guy for running, for saying what he means.. and for his hard work and his deep intelligence. He would be an excellent president.  Some in the media want to brand him as some sort of radical , but for the last 30 years i’ve seen  what he’s done for our city, state and nation. he’s a rational humanist with  consistent and well reasoned views.. he’s deeply ethical and committed to fairness.and is so intelligent !.  I know it will be  a tough  race.. but he’s always been an underdog. i hope people keep hearing his message. He would do so many good things for our country and the world.


today was nice and slow.. a nice slow doggie run, work around the house. Including some tall window clang from 20 feet in the air

I cleaned my lab which really needed it.

Tonight our old friend Sheri came by . She’s in town dropping her daughter Lauren off.. Lauren Brought two friends and Shari brought one. We had games find Luke as well.. about 9 folks in all for summer dinner of pesto focaccia, garden tomoates and chocolate cake. yum!

ok. 1:30.. time for bed. More tomorrow

nite all nite sam


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