panother much needed peaceful day. Part and Joe left eary this morning.. babe and raya left mid morning.. Scott, Kim and their beautiful 2 year old gabriel came by.. they are in town from LA visiting scotts parents. it was really nice hanging out with them.
Seth came by mid afternoon and so did bob D.. mand mason.. making for a very full day..
Seth was showing us some cool glass etching he’d done with his home made router
and a cool julien set fractal that he nd girlfriend hannah had made
max made some electric forks.. (?!?!?) \
around 7 diane and i went to chris and kids for their spin jam.. really nice all ages show.. kicked off by a great fire breathing act with chris and kim presenting
here’s freind georgie with some steel wool
some great hoopers
freind skittles
kim and chris with fans
then Max with staffs. he was SOOOO good. I was so proud of him .. he’s been practicing a ton.. and he is excellent !
now gotta sleep.. gotta wake at 4am.. for travel
nite all,nite sam