Saturday night – gathering for Sam

Today is the day that we mark Sam’s death. It’s beanie years. in some way it’s felt like an eernity.. in other ways.. it feels like’s just yesterday. There were many times today.. and many times nearly every day .. that I still can’t believe it..

Love is that strong..



I went around the house last night looking at pictures of Sam and his brothers. I wasn’t intending to capture them all.. and I don’t think I did.. but you can see by this collction that Sam is never far from our eyes, minds or hearts.


I came back from picking up Max at the airport to find a Yahrzeit candle hanging on the back door.  Yarzeit.. means ‘year time’. bandits the way my people mark the anniversary of the death of a loved one. our friend Maureen leaves one for us every year..  lit the candy for Sam.. and though about him.. what would he have made of this day ?




at 1 PM we met a bunch of friends for our hike up Bolton Mt. Bolton was a favorite spot for all of our kids.. SO it’s become our tradition to hike the mountain on Sams Birthday and his death day..

we had a good group of friends gathered.. with their dog.s.. . The weather was mild.. and lost no snow .. tons of ice though .



we walked fast and soon we were at the top


i broke out my moonshine.. ad some red bull  for a toast 


Gave, Max and I headed up tot he fire tower for our ritual.. for Sam.. Fireworks and redouble !!!!


the tower was just a little ricketier than last time 


then came time for fireworks.. as always lighting afuse in the 30 mph breeze was not easy. but eventually persistence prevailed.. BOOOOOOOM !


and a toast


at that point we realized that Chai was missing.. where was she ?!?! \


we found her half way down.. the climb was a little much for her and she was waiting patiantly for us.


then back to the hosue for a really nice potluck gathering . many folks came to help us rememberSam.. 


as always, we laid out a redouble toast for every guest \


then it was time tomato smartness.. 

last order of business was to mark Kevins birthday..



Most folks were gone by 9.. the house cleaning was mostly done by 10..


now here we are at the end of a long day.. thinking about Sam.. and sending him love… wherever and whatever that means now

we miss you my son.. we will always love you !

nte sam. nite all. -me


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