I’m on a tight schedule for a demo i’m doing next week and had the rare pleasure of programming all day. I managed to move most of my meetings.. and completely ignored my email.. and got a ton done.
it was one of the things where i sat down to start working around 7am .. and next thing I know it was 6pm. When I got up.. i had that weird sense of coming out of some sort of hibernation . I’m still feeling a little other worldly.. I have at least one more day like that tomorrow..
2 am and just back in arming after visiting Mx in Bklyn. Amazingly, today was max’s 10000 day.. he was born 10000 days ago !.. how cool is that ?!? 10000 days ago he made me a proud papa.. and I am still a very proud papa.. l love that boy !
Tonight I got to hang out with him and his friend Tess who’s in from Ca .. while we visited the boat where max used to live \
we then stopped by for a regular jam session max goes too.. nice people , great music.. great bookshelves !
then last stop was the shop where max works.. so cool !!. He’s learned so much about these tools !!!
flashing back to earlier in the day.. so Tom and elizabeth in the airport at 5:30 this morning.. they’re on their way to Tahiti
great meetings arming.. then y freind Lauren and I went down to a Blockchain metope at Ris in NYC>. great gathering. good demos.. great conversation
Earlier this evening I had one of my favorite meetings of the year. My buddies and I in VASE (Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering) got to award over $11,000 dollars in small grants to science teachers cross vermont . Three years ago we started a grants program that enables us to find hands on STEM education for any teacher that can show good cause and a good plan.. Its such a great way for our group to help the state..
and I just love my fellow VASErs (?)Visits ? .. whatever they’re called.. they are very nice folks
ok.. early flight.. gotta sleep. night all, nite sam