Wednesday night – Basement calling

I was just sitting her working  on an Internet of things  presentation for work  when i got a text message…. from my basement !

the water sensor in my basement was texting me to tell me that the basement had standing water….  I ran down stairs to check.. as I came down the stairs, the light at the bottom of the stairs came on when it sensed my presence.. it lit up a creepy purple (because i’d asked it too via my Smartthings APP) .

I cleared out the stairs and went down into the basement.. and sure enough..  my smart things leak sensor had a light that said ‘help.. I’m in water’ .. and  there was water on the floor.. it had been raining all day and some must have leaked in through the dirt.. bummer



I ran upstairs to tell diane.. and realized that the tower light had been turned off. I switched it on .. and picked the color via my HUE light app.. normally this is done for me by IFTTT that starts cycling the color of the lamp in the townr from Sundown (as determined by the Weather Channel.. an IBM Company) .. .. The same flow turns it off by 10 so we can sleep


I guess Internet of things  is now more than work.. its my home !

niote all, nite sam


Tuesday night – Slo day II

I had the great experience today to meet with a senior delegation from Slovenia in NYC. The delegation included the Prime Minister Dr Cerar, several of his senior ministers and a delegation of folks from the private escort. It was a great honor to be able to spend time with them … I really love Slovenia.. It reminds me of Vermont in many ways.. small, green, innovative. I feel ‘at home’ when I visit there.. and when I meet with the people . They know what they are good at.. I really like that

I also got to meet with some IBM colleagues I rarely get to see.. which was very productive.

here’s my good friend Jia


my good freind Andrej from Lubijana 

Here’s Prime Minister Dr. Cerar.. a really nice and thoughtful guy . His deputy Primme Minster was really great too.



And the ambassador 

And the priest of the Slovenian church where we met afterwards for a reception 

the slovenian national dish


on my way home now.. good day

nite all, nite sam


Monday night – Happy birthday Raya !

Babe’s girlfriend and Our very good freind Raya turns 21 today !.. Wooohoo !

Last week Gabe  decided to make her a table  as a present I helped a few places.. but he did all the work.. He found a cool old slab of red maple from our friend mike..    He designed the legs and welded them up.. Max helped us both set up the welder better than I usually do



he then put a billion coats of varnish.. ,screwed it together.. and there it was.. It’s a really nice design..   I hope Raya likes it.. There was a lot of love in its construction


After dropping the abel off with babe I headed home to clean up the garage and the shop .. i must have picked up several pounds of metal scrap and grindings.. Sign of a fun project !!!




happy birthday Raya. .we’re glad you’re in our lives !

nite all. nite sam


Sunday night – sitting shiva

Tonight I went over to Bill, Debra and Cora’s  for a shiva service for their son Alan. . It’s customary when a close relative dies for a Jewish family to gather for 7 days of mourning. People come to visit bring food and have prayer services. Tonight there were about 30 folks in their home. We had a short service then all read Kaddish.. the Jewish prayer of mourning..

In Bill and Debras the mirrors were all covered in newspaper. .. its one of the customs of Shiva.. other customs includee tearing a garment and wearing  a black ribbon .. /  It was comforting to all be together..

Bill, Debra and Cora.. are bearing up well and have lots of love arid them, .. my heart aches for them.. i know how both how welcome and hard it is to have to cry with new people every night..  ..

I watched them comforting their friends.. They are warm and wonderful people .. again I wish them peace


nite all, nite sam



ps. My cousais David and Billy (different billy) were in town for Shiva.. I got them both out to the house after the service.. Really nice to see them !