Friday night – checked out

I worked so hard today.. that I couldn’t even think.. I got so wrapped up in my prep for a bunch of talk next week that I had to duck out of a whole bunch of responsibilities for today.. i hate doing that..

my last jb today was to build a ‘cognitive iot’ den/ I took the twitter feed of each of the top 4 presidential candidates and put it through  a cognitive sentiment analyzer..   then ran that into my tesla coil.. I was able to show with a million n volt arc what polsters are saying.. berries inspiring but polerizing , hillary is middle of the road, trumps a jerk and cruz supporters better learn how to tweet !

FinLY ABOUT 7 PM I’D HAD ENOUGH. I SHUT my laptop (too burned out to correct that capitalization ) .. and took dian to eat Mexican food.. It was just what I needed. Now I’m about to dive into the bathtub and go to sleep.. I have no business not working tonight.. but not enough steam to work even if i wanted to…

isn’t that great !?>. no choice !

note all, nite sam


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