Greetings from vegas.. I’m at the interconnect conference . I’ve got two big talks here.. and thats making me nervous.. I’m trying to psyche myself into enjoying them.. rather than freaking out any more than i already am about the big stage.. maye i can map my stage fright into ‘stage might’ ?
when through rehearsals today .. saw the big space !
also saw several friends..includign meeting some pretty good friends that I’d never seen face to face (cate, henry,)
Lisa and her wild glasses
my freind Nagakagawapsan from honda
gotta fix my selfie camera.. got a broken cover !
and travis and markus.. i just left them after we all put together the high striker demo.. so far so good
ok.. gotta sleep. Being day tomorrow. wish me luck !
On my way to vegas for work.. got the Pearl Jam song ‘off he goes ‘ buzzing in my brain.. one of my favorites
1, 2, 1, 2… know a man, his face seems pulled and tense like he’s riding on a motorbike in the strongest winds so i approach with tact suggest that he should relax but he’s always moving much too fast said he’ll see me on the flipside on this trip he’s taken for a ride he’s been taking too much on there he goes with his perfectly unkept clothes there he goes… he’s yet to come back but i’ve seen his picture it doesn’t look the same up on the rack we go way back i wonder about his insides its like his thoughts are too big for his size he’s been taken… where, i don’t know? off he goes with his perfectly unkept hope and there he goes… and now i rub my eyes, for he has returned seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned for he still smiles… and he’s still strong nothing’s changed, but the surrounding bullshit that has grown and now he’s home and we’re laughing like we always did my same old, same old friend until a quarter-to-ten i saw the strain creep in he seems distracted and i know just what is gonna happen next before his first step he’s off again
I worked so hard today.. that I couldn’t even think.. I got so wrapped up in my prep for a bunch of talk next week that I had to duck out of a whole bunch of responsibilities for today.. i hate doing that..
my last jb today was to build a ‘cognitive iot’ den/ I took the twitter feed of each of the top 4 presidential candidates and put it through a cognitive sentiment analyzer.. then ran that into my tesla coil.. I was able to show with a million n volt arc what polsters are saying.. berries inspiring but polerizing , hillary is middle of the road, trumps a jerk and cruz supporters better learn how to tweet !
FinLY ABOUT 7 PM I’D HAD ENOUGH. I SHUT my laptop (too burned out to correct that capitalization ) .. and took dian to eat Mexican food.. It was just what I needed. Now I’m about to dive into the bathtub and go to sleep.. I have no business not working tonight.. but not enough steam to work even if i wanted to…
I was at a meeting today with two really good freinds.. After the meeting they came to me and told me that they could tell i was stressing about soemthing ( i am .. Big talks next week ) .. Now im stressing about them thinking im stressing….
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing
Wait.. Now im stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing about stressing